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Power Differences Between Shootout Modes


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wow just realised you posted up the results. Nice work. I always thought that normal mode produces a much higher figure that shootout mode. Seems Im wrong unless there is more ability to fudge resuls in normal mode.

Oh and judging by your file no's looks like you car has done a few runs on that dyno...wow

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yes, it is quite easy to fudge the results in when the car isnt run in shootout mode!

it doesnt show the ambient and intake temps, as these should be a close to eachother as possible to get an accurate power figure.

and yeh, my car has seen some dyno time in its life!

have been going to the same workshop since the day I started modifying it!

Edited by The_Bogan
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Damm. I should have ran my car in Shoot 6F and upped the intake temps.

Good stuff Boges. Now if only we could get you to run the same test's on all the dyno's across the country to show further variance's.

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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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Thanks for taking the effort to do this test.

It does surprise me that 6f is reading lower than 6. I had thought it was the other way around. Similarly 8f higher than 8.

Be aware that Dyno Dynamics can at any time revise their power calculation for any mode e.g 6f may read x% different after a software revision at any time.

I'm pretty sure that at a HPF dyno day (BVW2) when they took the newer software & dyno that it was stated that 6f was reading higher than the older software.

Another issue is that the value differences between the modes may vary at the different power levels. E.g for a stock car at around 200-200 there may not be much difference. At 400+ there may be larger differences.

Your 124mph is very good for a 323 6f value, and your power comes on early and holds to the redline, which is a very good result, and you should be very happy. I think there are guys that report a lot higher dd figures and who struggle to make that mph.


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So 26rwkw was "gained" simply by placing the intake temp probe in a warmer location. This is the very reason why dyno figures hold little water in the eyes of most serious racers. Only kids in bedrooms take them as gospel.

Well done Bogan.

What would the difference in power be if the air temp was 31c and intake 27c.

Will the warmer conditions cause ecu to take out timing,lean out.

If I was doing 375rwkw on a 31c day,would it show more on 20c day.

I was told that the dyno shows more on a warmer day.

What power difference would your shoot 6f show if you run your car on a warm day say 30c.I noticed it was run on a very cold day.

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