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Driving Tests


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  • Mmmmm......BOOST
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I have heard the nrma is behind a driver training center being built some where around the central coast

The tests should be more like a truck licence test , minimum 8-9 hrs in the truck with the tester , I know they are supposed to do all this log book thing now but no one is actually watching the process exept maybe a parent , I'm sure there's pleanty of people who just fill out the log book without doing half the stuff , it would cost a lot more to do it like the heavy vehicle system that would also teach them some respect for their licence

I'm going to rally school at oran park on saturday so it will be a good chance to refresh old skills and pick up some new ones

They have an XR8 ute too that should be fun , I think the 4wd sooby and evo will test me out more as I don't have a lot of experience with high powered 4wd in the dirt

good point on the unreg etc Zap , it's scary how many people drive around without them , not always shtboxes either ,found out the other day a neighbor has been driving his late model nissan around for 2mnths without rego because he thought the money was better spent elsewhere (dickhead)

Edited by our06t
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  • loitering with intent
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I know they are supposed to do all this log book thing now but no one is actually watching the process exept maybe a parent , I'm sure there's pleanty of people who just fill out the log book without doing half the stuff

Yep, seen it first hand 2 days before the test a couple of different coloured biros aand off they go.

Not disimilar to writing lines in detetention with 3 pens in your mit :beerchug:

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  • blind leading the blind
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You mean there’s more to driving a potentially lethal weapon than a hill-start and a reverse park???

It’s an absolute farkin joke really. My real driving training was guiding a beat-up old landrover from as soon as I could reach the pedals around the paddock as fast as you could without hitting anything and copping a clip over the ear from the old man, not a multiple guess questionnaire and a quick lap of the block.

:beerchug: everyone kid in aus should learn to drive in a paddock full of drums n stumps n logs in a paddock basher with their old man screaming instructions at em = every kid around here that learnt to drive like that came out of it all right

one little thing though tab - did your dad let you wait til ya could reach the pedals - when I whinged about that he gave me a couple broom sticks and told me to multi task

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The problem with the enforcement of the rules above is it does not make much money for the government, they would rather reduce the road toll by booking us for speeding.

I hear you..the only problem most times when caught speeding you don't know till 3-4 weeks down the track...

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  • Sucker
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one little thing though tab - did your dad let you wait til ya could reach the pedals...

No. Didn't want to mention the old blue valiant ute though :ermm:

All the dickhead governments need to do is pump every single dollar from infringement revenue in to either driver training or fixing roads...not relying on it as a general revenue stream. I.e. qld govt. increasing traffic fines as part of their state budget, F*ckwits.

That way it would be a self-satisfying cycle. Wouldn't win them their seat at the next election though so it'll never happen.

One thing that always scares the f*ck out of me is heading north from Brisbane, as soon as the divided road ends you can pick out the city-trained drivers. They have absolutely no idea, so now the road drops from 110km/h dual lane highway to 90km/h for abut 60km just because these idiots cannot drive. Give it another twelve months and they'll drop the limit to 80, as the highway is still closed for a few hours each week scraping bodies off the tarmac. One of the best stretches of cruising roads too. :nyaah:

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  • loitering with intent
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Heading down the hill into Samford there is a dirt road on the right hand side called Bryant's road goes up into the bush behind BP Park. Great place to practice some skid/drifting control. Used to do this in the Escort, still managed to roll it :ermm: No thanx to the wanker coming the other way :nyaah:

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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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this isn't just about the young....see more ethinic people struggling with just the basics of driving....frightened to see them trying to drive a 300+ kw car.

They dont generally drive 300kw cars but it is a noted issue. They are still entitled in NSW to undertake there computerised tests in whatever language they choose, though street signs and road markings are all in the one language for the time being.

What is the process of converting an international drivers licence to a state licence ?

Generlly the basic RTA knowlege test and a full licence is handed over. No driving test.

If governments were even remotely interested in saving lives, they would do something about the pathetic standards of drivers on our roads.

The 3 things I would do to improve drivers and road users:

1. Mandatory license tests every 5 years. You do a knowladge test, then 5 years later a driving test and then 5 years later another knowladge test. This would ensure people knew how to steer and also knew the road rules.

2. ANPR (Automatic Number plate recognition) used everywhere to stop stolen, unlicensed, unregistered and uninsured drivers. Anyone caught driving unrego/unlicensed would have their car impounded for the first offence (and be forced to rego/license themselves before they can get it back) and if caught again the car is crushed.

The technology has its limitations as do speed cameras and there true indended purpose is somewhat amiss.

3. Standard National rules for drivers, roadrules and registration.

Already exists, just not the licencing regime by the individual states

The above 3 items would remove all the crappy cars, make people know the rules and be able to handle a car much better than they are now.

The problem with the enforcement of the rules above is it does not make much money for the government, they would rather reduce the road toll by booking us for speeding.


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