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Just Bought My First Phoon!


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Picked up my R Spec yesterday, #154, Silk, 6 Spd Auto

Drove back to from Perth to Kalgoorlie today, so no chance for a photo chance just yet. It has no mods or anything done to it yet, though it has 6 pot Brembo's on the front, actually it doesnt even have tint.......

Will get some tint this week and give it a wash, the drive, dust and rain on the weekend has it pretty dirty, then ill take some photos and post em, was gonna wait for the photos to post, but couldnt wait, still all giddy about it.

Still nothing is perfect, my mate and I test drove the car on Friday, well tried to, had barley legal tread on the back and was raining all day, I couldnt stop the damn wheels from spinning! Was fun at first, but annoying after that, couldnt drop it back a gear and give it some to overtake without the arse end stepping out. Even coming onto the freeway, I was wary of the back end, so instead of dropping it back a gear, I just held the gear till around 110, 3rd I think, wasnt revving hard at all, wasnt sure if I was excited or scared sh*tless, still was pretty funny once we straightened up, wasnt expecting it though, was just trying to harmlessly accelerate

Anyway, that's not the bad part, that was good. Cause of that the first thing I did once I got the keys, was go get some tyres. Dropped the car off, was told to come back in 2 hours, he rang me 45 mins later and said he cant put tyres on cause he pulled the rears off and one was buckled (in 2 places) and one had a small flat spot on it (from a pot hole or something he reckons). He wouldnt put tyres on them as it was unsafe or something. It was 12:10 on Sat, I then drove round like a headless chicken trying to find somewhere that would fit tyres to f*cked rims, as while I need to fix the rims, I need rubber on them so I can drive them atm. Finally found somewhere to do it, gave them a case of beer for there help (they were closed when I got there) and the crisis was averted.....for now.

So now ive got my dream car, was loving it, then I find out my 2 back rims are all f**ked up. Its weird, cause driving it, its barely noticable, we didnt pick it up at all in the test drive, even now, I need a really really flat bit of road and have to concentrate to feel it, even then, it could still be irregulatities in the road. But even though I cant feel it while driving, the dude a Bob Jane said its really really dangerous, so I guess I need to repair them. All the tyre places recommended the same dude, on Newcastle street in Perth I think, cant remember the name. Ill have to fix them in a few weeks when Im back in Perth, hopefully they hold out that long (there were no cracks, we checked). Anyone got a ball park figure how much 2 rim repairs would cost?

Maybe I should upgrade to the Dark Argents......anyone got a pic of a silk (or other grey variant) f6/xr6 with dark argents? I would love to see what they look like on it....

Still, stocked to have my dream car, though too bad the back rims were screwed and I didnt realise, I feel stupid saying that, but I honestly cant feel it. Besides that it is in amazing condition, and those 6 pots onthe front are insane!!!

Cheers guys

Edited by ratzy
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  ratzy said:
Maybe I should upgrade to the Dark Argents......anyone got a pic of a silk (or other grey variant) f6/xr6 with dark argents? I would love to see what they look like on it....

Go the Dark Argents. They look good on these cars.

Silver (from Carsales)


Ego (my old BF)




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Cheers for the pics

Yea will prob mod it, will have to wait a little until those rims are patched up, or I get the argents. Prob just head for 300rwkw and see how that goes, seeing as they run like 215 stock, that's a fair upgrade.

As I said, still getting used to it, was certainly a lot easier on new tyres and dry roads, stilll spun if I wanted them to, but on the balds and in the rain, was like driving on ice, haha

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Congrats on the car mate, and :spit: to the nut house forums.

I can see you having the fastest thing on the road up in Kal pretty soon, especially with a dyno centre in town, and plenty of tuner's back here in Perth.

If you're keen on some dark argents (would look porn btw :nyaah:) a Perth member has a genuine set with rubber for sale at the moment :)

Cheers, and enjoy the new ride :roflmbo:

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Porn being good rite ? :) Haha, that member with the rims for sale, are they in the for sale forum? EIf you get a chance can u post the link or PM me the details, might get in contact with him


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BTW I just read the offical R Spec review, looks like 'Silk' wasnt released as an R Spec colour......, hmm its to dark to be lightning strike. Ill post some pics when I can, mebe I got the colour wrong. Is it possible 1 was made in Silk even though it wasnt an R Spec colour?

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  ratzy said:
Porn being good rite ? :)

lol, yeah - porn is good. They come up really well & glossy after a quick wash, like on this member's car <_<


  ratzy said:
Haha, that member with the rims for sale, are they in the for sale forum? EIf you get a chance can u post the link or PM me the details, might get in contact with him


There ya go :bump:

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