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Hoon's Car Impounded After High-speed Chase In Dandenong


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  ZAP said:
How is the view from up there Scotty ?

I think you need to get off thet high horse and see this incident for what it is.

Driving like a D!ck and running from the Police is justifying any pressure put on Ford Turbo drivers.

He should not have been driving as he had a cancelled license.

I hope he has the book thrown at him

I would like to think that the coppers are level headed and experienced enough not to tar every ford driver with the same brush - but the media sensationalism associated with every hoon 'offence' makes sure that doesnt happen !!

I think we are all going to have to accept the fact that this country is made up of a vast majority of morons who believe in Hoons and everything ACA/TT say in their "shocking expose" that they have every single night - hell WA is full of morons who voted No to daylight saving so theres proof people believe any propaganda

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But why the I <3 Bananas would you go home after running away??? Didn't he think they would have recorded he's plates?

And what is super turbo charged LOL.

Edited by dule
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  Mat said:
Sounds like this bloke made a pretty bad decision. Its no secret that I've made a few (namely 168 in a 60 zone on wrong side of an industrial road at 1am, racing (well thrashing!!) an R33 many moons ago) but provided he learns from this, people need to cut him some slack.

Maybe he was also doing 168 in a 60 when he ran the red light. Yeah, lets all cut him some slack for this petty indescretion. :crybaby:


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It is easy for everyone to have a go at this behaviour. And what he allegedly did, running from police, is stupid. But every time anyone speeds on public roads, aren't they doing a similar thing? Increasing the risk and/or seriousness of an accident? Even the fact that most of our cars accelerate so quickly makes for potential danger. Sure, that acceleration also makes for safer overtaking and a bigger smile on your face, but it doesn't change the risks involved if you get complacent.

My advice? Don't drive without a license and be good to your mother :)

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To all the police on this forum, let me start with the fact that I accept that you guys are the ones that attend when these things go wrong and that you are the guys that have to tell parents the most horrible news they will ever recieve. A job that I could not do, and I understand completly where you stand on this and am not nor will I ever judge you on this.

My beef is with the media and the general attitude that is hasty judgement go along with the crowd mentality and general busll sh*t that is associated with any percieved master crime these days.

There are always two sides to a story, sometimes more. I have done stupid stupid things in my life, and I must have several guardian angels riding along life with me. This bloke is human and humans err, there is something to be said for the saying "alls well that ends well" ' and would have beens, could have beens are irrelvant well to us that do not wear a blue uniform.

fast media and a desire to know everything strait away is a killer to accuracy and media integrity. The Jake Kovco incident, the Matty johns incident and many others just to name a few are proof of this. media like politicians are scum and I despise them for the mis information and their respective influence on severely degrading the common sense and deceny that was once in a population.


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  Iconic Bionic said:
What he did takes place on most cruises these days anyway.

And the pursuit was called off, because of the high speed, the danger level or the fact they were chasing him in a van??? No wonder they dont call themselves highway patrol down there.



I would like to state that on Mexican cruises this type of stuff deffinetly does NOT happen.


TUFXRT6 :dontknow:

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