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3000k Service


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  • Member For: 16y 1m 5d

Guys, I have just had my T ute serviced for the 300k's. Just wondering what they do during this service as it now feels like I have an extra 50hp!! They said something about resetting something due to the idle speed being to low and it vibrating the whole care when idling in Drive. Could this have done something?

Also have problem with the windscreen being hazy when looking into the sun. They basically said they can't see what I am talking about.

Have rattle in passneger side window when wound down, but they said they tried a couple of other cars sitting in the yard and they all do the same thing, so this must be normal. WHAT THE!!



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Take your car back. I had the Hazy windscreen too. The ended up replacing it with an after market screen.

They tried this on with me too. I was very persistent and didn't take no for an answer.

Although I like my ute, the Ford dealership pretty much guaranteed that I will not buy another Ford again.

My advice is to call the Ford 13 Number and discuss your issues direct.

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Guys, I have just had my T ute serviced for the 300k's. Just wondering what they do during this service as it now feels like I have an extra 50hp!! They said something about resetting something due to the idle speed being to low and it vibrating the whole care when idling in Drive. Could this have done something?



Gary I have the same problem with my FG turbo ute!! it sh*ts me very very bad. on idle when foot on brake this vibration comes and goes then comes back again, majority of the time it is there, most of the time at the lights I have my foot on both accelerator and brake just to eliminate the noise and idle it to around .750 before light turns green.

I really wanted to see if anyone esle experience the problem and what there is I can do or get a mechanic.

I asked Ford several times at my services what is it, and all they can say to me is they have contacted the engineers and they are working on a solution. (p!gs arse 6 months on and still no solution!)

does anyone know a way to fix this problem.??

whats your car idle at now Gary when foot on brake??

you help would be very much apprechiated.


Edited by FORD_RULEs
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After an email back to the dealer this morning, I had a phone call from the service manager. He tells me that they loaded some new software and that is what cured the idle problem, I guess I have to believe him as it is now idling at 600rpm without any vibration. This may also explain the extra power the car seems to have unless it was the exhaust manifold leak that they also fixed. As for the windscreen, he says that they will replace it next time I come in, problem is I live 200k away from this dealer.


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That makes sense, they are almost constantly releasing new software. Especially with new(ish) models.

Good stuff with the screen...shame they weren't so cooperative the first time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 16y 5m 7d

I have had the 15,000 km service on my FGT ute last week, it was running a bit "rich" before (according to the Gentech Performance Shop), after the service, the ute seems to be running much better with better fuel consumption. The dealer said that they updated the programs etc....But still couldn't fix the "The Transmission Not in Park" warning which came on when opening the door after the ute was parked without locking the doors. It isn't a big problem just annoying sometime. They also replaced the faulty driver side window switch. Otherwise I am quite happy with ute so far. The windscreen does get a bit hazy with light rain, don't bother me much as I can't see very well anyway.

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