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Compressed Springs


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if you want a car lower than the SSL combo get some made up by a company called KMAC. it is not much more than a set of kings I'd imagine, and you can choose your height. give them a call.


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My car is basically the same height in the front as XRO6T's.

I got AU front springs and a camber kit fitted, however my back isnt as low, even though I have SSL's in the back.

Only problem is that I am sitting on the bumpstops.

Are you supposed to cut these or something? to get the level look?

I think my car lowering springs is enough for me, commpressed springs or choppies aint safe enough for me

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each to there own I guess... but the car is not at all bumpy or uncomfortable... plus I got to choose what height I wanted...

exactly... people are so quick to judge without ever experiencing it themselves...

beleive me I know all about b series falcons...I'm a ford technitian and ive owned many falcons in my time nearly all have been lowered to some level.....

eb using king spring super lows and monroe GT's (brand new) all round was bouncier than my ba at that height...

the ass end of the eb would bounce and jitter.... even worse with ultras /chopped springs where the back tends to flutter up and down over bumps.....

with my ba it doesnt flutter or jitter over bumps... the only thing that it is bad for is speed bumps, drive ways, and where the road has sharp edges where 1 side of the road is lower than the other side with a sharp ridge sometimes at 80+ the car will scrape the trans mount.

tyres arent much of an issue for me as I can fit them up myself and get them for next to nothing....

They arent the only springs I own either... ive got a brilliant setup for handling too... but it looks gay.

id never take my car on the track with the compressed springs and stock shockers....

for that I use my king lows with the higher spring rate with bilstein shocks front and rear which are matched to the rate of the springs....

along with adjustable whiteline swaybars this gives the car alot more grip and much better turn in feel etc etc.

the problem is the car just looks gay sitting so high...... also have a kmac ratchet camber kit which is set right for the low height springs (for max grip when using them)...

Edited by bentles
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I do not know how a car can look "gay" being at a stock or lowered height, but a car running your ride height is plain dangerous, unsafe and unroadworthy.

No matter your attempt at justifying how good your car handles, it would never handle better than a stock car with so little movement in the suspension.

I cannot think of any possitives having a car that low. I would like to see you try to change a tyre as it would be difficult to place a jack under the car.

As you said each to their own, but I feel that others thinking of doing this type of mod should know how dangerous it is.

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As you said each to their own, but I feel that others thinking of doing this type of mod should know how dangerous it is.

you do raise a semi valid point but as I said, if you havent experienced it how can you comment?

ba's with compresses springs arent nearly as dangerous as a eb with cut springs.........

the thing rides like normal its only massive bumps where it becomes slightly hairy... bumps where it would be unsafe hitting at speed even with stock springs....

I never said it handled good with those springs I said I also had a set of springs and shocks etc for handling.... I do admit that it would have less grip than stock.. however the places I drive with them in (to from work, cruising on built up areas) it doesnt affect much at all as they are all good roads... if I know im going through the country ill change to the higher springs.... it takes 50mins to change front and rear springs now ive done it that many times (even on jack n stands...)

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I'm with zap on this one.....why would you want a car so low....Most people just want to hop in their cars and drive them...not worry about pot holes , gutters and speed humps....With the amount of speed humps on the roads these days....why would you want to slow to a stop and slowly crab over them hoping you don't leave anything behind......No thanks...

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Mate, I am a licensed Mechanic who has owned over 50 cars, so I think I have enough experience to comment.

I have NEVER had this type of setup in my cars, but had many "mates" who did the compressed or cut springs. They even opened up shocks and put gear oil in them to make them very stiff.

Having cars this low can cause so many problems it is not wortht he risk. The chances of cracking the chassis or suspension is significantly increased as is component failure like steering racks, wheel bearings and CV's.

It will only be a matter of time before you are:

1. defected

2. break something

3. crash

I just hope it is one of the first 2 before you realise this is not a good idea.

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Dang, xr6ot, that blue pic above is low. It looks like you'd be hitting the guards at half lock. Are the guards rolled? How's the turning circle?

Out of interest, who do you guys with compressed springs recommend for insurance? The way the insurance companies try to weasel out of everything, seems like this would be an easy one for them to get out of...



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