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Roof Scren In Terri


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  • Member For: 16y 9m 26d

In the process of a carPC, will go a touch screen overlay and vga/cga convertor for icc, but for the little people in the back I want to have a 10" ish flaip down - BUT - I want to keep the interior light. Amyone done this? Pics? I have seen the screens with little lights in them, but I dont want...

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  • Member For: 18y 5m 20d
  • Location: Mackay QLD
BUT - I want to keep the interior light. Amyone done this? Pics? I have seen the screens with little lights in them, but I dont want...

you need to ake the interior light out to mount the sceeen to the beam in the roof. just buy a screen with interior lights in it.

I recommend the alpine pkg-rse2 screen kit.

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Your problem with not removing the OEM interior light is there will be no where to mount the screen than can take its weight.

A roof mount screen has a bit of weight to it, so mounting it where the main crossover roof beam is, is the best and safest location.

This would require the removal of the interior light.

If you do not like that idea, then headrest screens may be your only sensable option.

Can I ask why you want to retain the stock roof light ?

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 26d

The factory Rex3 option is massive, the Alpine is nice as its 10" or so, but has a DVD. Im going the carPC path - so I dont need a DVD. It will be loaded wirelessly - or usb - from the home network. Im thinking of putting the screen in front of the factory light, swinging down. But that means having the screen facing down when folded up - but its the right distance for 3 cherubs in back... I will likely d.I.y. a screen, paint the surround to match the lining/light plastic, and if needed glue/construct a bracket onto the roof metal. Fantasy request is electric fold down....

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