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Off The Radar Tv Shows


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  • Dr. Speed
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Yeah its unreal! They have a series of movies up to NC6 but unless you're a fan of dirt bikes you would probably never heard of them. They started out as "proper" moto videos like the Crusty series but have gradually moved towards being a mix of Crusty and Jackass. The producers of Jackass also produce the NC TV show. It's basically big boys (and Jolene :innocent:) playing with big toys and inevitable someone always gets hurt! And it's usually StreetBike Tommy.

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Got some pretty good laughs out of The Inbetweeners last weekend.

It's like a Brit version of Superbad, as a series.

Not bad.

Edit: I've been watchin' Nitro Circus dvds for years but never seen the show! Have to check that one out for sure.

Edited by Ghosti
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I got one for my missus a while back called true Calling.

Bout a chick whos day rewinds to the start of the day and she has to save someones life.

Thought it was going to suck and ended up watching the whole series over 2 weekends.

Will have to get Entourage as it sounds funny as.

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Yeah im a fan of battlestar galactica aswell :blink:

Wasnt aware of a 4th series, might have to track it down.

Its pretty well known now, but ''flight of the concords'' is a very funny show.

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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That flight of the concordes really annoyed me.

I tried to get into it, but it was a no go.

As for BSG, the 4 series is the last and it is by far the best.

I have just scheduled nitro circus for overnight download.

For anyone that wants to see what american soldiers in Iraq are really like, get Generation Kill as it is so realistic it is scary.

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Agree'd zap, Its a good view into the life of modern day soldiers... basically they think its all shoot shoot kill kill but they get a big surprise when they see what it really involves.

Hence we are "Generation Kill"

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another +1 for Entourage. cant wait for 6th season

True Blood was mentioned earlier too. great show and a second season not too far away

others I didnt see listed yet

Flashpoint - about an SRU team. was easy to get into the first ep and just kept getting better. http://www.tvrage.com/Flashpoint

Fringe - an FBI agent working in a division that deals with 'fringe science'. http://www.tvrage.com/Fringe

Breaking Bad - High school chemistry teacher finds out he has lung cancer and starts cooking crystal meth to make enough money to support his family after he is gone. http://www.tvrage.com/Breaking_Bad

Dollhouse - Programable people. made by Joss Whedon, what more do you need? http://www.tvrage.com/Dollhouse

Firefly - nice mix of sci-fi and old western set in the future. its old now and only got 1 season but the movie Serenity came from this series. http://www.tvrage.com/Firefly

Life - A cop is jailed for a crime he didnt do and is trying to find out who set him up and why. http://www.tvrage.com/Life

Sanctuary - Based around a facility for 'abnormal' people. if you like Fringe you will probably like this. http://www.tvrage.com/shows/id-18682

Las Vegas - series is years old now but its still a favourite. not sure if it was on AU tv or not. it follows the security team of a Las Vegas casino. http://www.tvrage.com/Las_Vegas

should keeps yous busy for a while :P

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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That Nitro Circus is nuts.

Just watched a few eps of season1. It is soooooo much better than Jackarse.

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