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Off The Radar Tv Shows


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Downloading Falling Skies..

Cause I find myself watching lame stuff more and more..

Kinda like dedicating myself to watching 'just the start' of BORN TO RACE FAST TRACK to see how bad it was.. nekminnit.. 2am.. thinking I should really be asleep..

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Falling Skies went the way of Revolution for me, but not as quick

Found myself less and less tempted to watch each new episode to the point I stopped even clicking on the link - didn't even make it through whatever season I was watching of either

Dominion - crap

Last ship - maybe good for having on in the background. Depends if they go story or action - the obvious hidden operative/spy at the end of the first episode pretty much ruined any chances of that happening though. Seems to me like they decided to follow on the success of the Battleship movie (crap) and make another game movie - this time on the IOS game Plaque Inc :P

Crossbones - will watch the next episode - am tipping it will be my last.

Just finished Fargo - had me engrossed the whole way through, but it's one of those shows that once it's over you come away feeling no different to how you went going in.

Tossing up whether to watch the first episode of the new season of Under the Dome - think I remember the first season being good for an episode or 2 then not much else.

I know this is meant to be "Off the Radar TV Shows" - need some more hints/pointers to things to enjoy

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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Just read on twit that the next will be the last season of two & a half men

sad now coz that show gives me a good laugh

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
  • Bronze Donating Members
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There was something on The CW that I enjoyed watching.....forgot what it was atm and probably shouldn't of mentioned it coz it just gives SDP more ammo


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