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Legal Drinking Age Survey


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  • Member For: 16y 16d
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Age: 18-29

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Martial Status:Single

Religion: Agnostic.

Occupation: Employed

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Please answer ALL questions listed below, by simply giving your honest opinion. When answering please briefly explain why.

1. Should the legal drinking age be raised to 21 years of age?

No and it never will, the voting age would need to be raised as well, and the government can't have that!

2.Do you believe that there should be harsher punishment for underage drinking?

No. More education to the parents is what needs to happen.

3.Do you believe that there should be a certain limit of alcohol allowed to be consumed at any one stage?


4. Do you believe that raising the legal drinking age to 21 will reduce the number of alcohol related deaths?

Not at all. It's always going to happen.

5. Do you believe that there would be less alcohol related violence with stricter enforcement of the law?

Not at all. If Rum was restricted, I'd agree.

6. The consumption of too much alcohol is the main cause of fatal car crashes. Do you believe that if one is caught drink driving, they should face stricter punishment? Possibly imprisonment? If YES what sort of punishment/fines should they face?

Not stricter punishment, but if they were involved in a car accident and were drunk they should be imprisoned and I think that's the case now anyway.

7. Were you underage when you first consumed alcohol? If so what age? (APPROXIMATELY)

Yes. 15.

8. Do you believe that the government should take further precaution in order to prevent the sale of alcohol to underage youth?

Yes. Refer to answer above.

9. Many fights relate to alcohol. Do you believe that if one is highly intoxicated they should be refused purchase of any other alcoholic beverage?

Yes. And this is already the case in most monitored pubs and clubs.

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Public Servant

Please answer ALL questions listed below, by simply giving your honest opinion. When answering please briefly explain why.

1. Should the legal drinking age be raised to 21 years of age?

Yes - To have a reason to make a big fuss about turning 21 and having 21st birthday parties

2.Do you believe that there should be harsher punishment for underage drinking?

Yes for repeat offenders

3.Do you believe that there should be a certain limit of alcohol allowed to be consumed at any one stage?


4. Do you believe that raising the legal drinking age to 21 will reduce the number of alcohol related deaths?


5. Do you believe that there would be less alcohol related violence with stricter enforcement of the law?

For those under 21 yes. For those over 21, no.

6. The consumption of too much alcohol is the main cause of fatal car crashes. Do you believe that if one is caught drink driving, they should face stricter punishment? Possibly imprisonment? If YES what sort of punishment/fines should they face?

I don't believe the first statement is correct.

Stricter punishment - Yes. Imprisonment - Yes. Punishment - Lock them up in a padded cell and intravenously force 2 bottles of straight vodka into their system

7. Were you underage when you first consumed alcohol? If so what age? (APPROXIMATELY)

Yes - 9 or 10

8. Do you believe that the government should take further precaution in order to prevent the sale of alcohol to underage youth?

I think there should be stricter punishment for those buying alcohol on behalf of underage persons

9. Many fights relate to alcohol. Do you believe that if one is highly intoxicated they should be refused purchase of any other alcoholic beverage?

Yes, which is already the case

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  • Member For: 16y 8m 22d
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Age: 18-29

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If employed what is your occupation?

Commercial/Domestic Painter

Please answer ALL questions listed below, by simply giving your honest opinion. When answering please briefly explain why.

1. Should the legal drinking age be raised to 21 years of age?

No probly not, Don't see it making too much of a diffrence.

2.Do you believe that there should be harsher punishment for underage drinking?


3.Do you believe that there should be a certain limit of alcohol allowed to be consumed at any one stage?

Yer but also depends where the consumer is and what they are doing

4. Do you believe that raising the legal drinking age to 21 will reduce the number of alcohol related deaths?

In some setuations yes

5. Do you believe that there would be less alcohol related violence with stricter enforcement of the law?


6. The consumption of too much alcohol is the main cause of fatal car crashes. Do you believe that if one is caught drink driving, they should face stricter punishment? Possibly imprisonment? If YES what sort of punishment/fines should they face?

Yes but, imprisonment would abit too much for a 1st time offender, but higher cash fines, more points off licence would be a good idea.

7. Were you underage when you first consumed alcohol? If so what age? (APPROXIMATELY)

Dont drink.

8. Do you believe that the government should take further precaution in order to prevent the sale of alcohol to underage youth?


9. Many fights relate to alcohol. Do you believe that if one is highly intoxicated they should be refused purchase of any other alcoholic beverage?


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  • Dr. Speed
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If employed what is your occupation? IT Systems Analyst

Please answer ALL questions listed below, by simply giving your honest opinion. When answering please briefly explain why.

1. Should the legal drinking age be raised to 21 years of age?


2.Do you believe that there should be harsher punishment for underage drinking?

No. Having my old man find out is punishment enough! It's the parents responsibly if you're under 18 and causing strife.

3.Do you believe that there should be a certain limit of alcohol allowed to be consumed at any one stage?

No. How can that be enforced or even determined? Everyone is different and can consume different amounts.

4. Do you believe that raising the legal drinking age to 21 will reduce the number of alcohol related deaths?

No way.

5. Do you believe that there would be less alcohol related violence with stricter enforcement of the law?

No. What law? Who decides when someone has had enough to drink? Being "drunk" is subjective and different for everyone.

6. The consumption of too much alcohol is the main cause of fatal car crashes. Do you believe that if someone is caught drink driving, they should face stricter punishment? Possibly imprisonment? If YES what sort of punishment/fines should they face?

I would be very surprised if the first statement is correct.

Stricter punishment - Not in the first instance - if you haven't learnt after the first time - then definitely!

Imprisonment - Second offence and up.

Punishment - Goal. Being a cell with Bubba for a while should sort you out. Unless you enjoyed "Pulp Fictions - Gimp Scene"

7. Were you underage when you first consumed alcohol? If so what age? (APPROXIMATELY)

Yes - 16

8. Do you believe that the government should take further precaution in order to prevent the sale of alcohol to underage youth?

If someone wants something bad enough they will find a way to get it. I reckon it would be rare that someone under age would physically buy the alcohol. It’s usually someone buying it on their behalf. Maybe stricter punishment for these people.

9. Many fights relate to alcohol. Do you believe that if one is highly intoxicated they should be refused purchase of any other alcoholic beverage?

Who and how do you decide if someone is highly intoxicated? It is a very subjective thing. Also, giving that power to someone (non law enforcement) is open to abuse. I had a bouncer refuse me entry to a club, not two weeks ago because I was “two drunk”. When I told him that I was driving and hadn’t had a single drink all night, (the truth) he responded with – “Well in that case, you’re not coming in because I don’t like the look of you….”

I don't think that "highly" intoxicated people start as many fights as "moderately" intoxicated people, as they are usually incapable of doing so.

From my experience, refusing someone alcohol is usually what starts a fight!

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  • I love gooold member
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Religion: Christian

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Please answer ALL questions listed below, by simply giving your honest opinion. When answering please briefly explain why.

1. Should the legal drinking age be raised to 21 years of age?

Don't see why not - and while you're at it, raise the driving age too. That will probably make me an unpopular person around here! Pretty clear to see that 'young' people can't handle the responsibilities of each, and especially in concert with one another.

2.Do you believe that there should be harsher punishment for underage drinking?

Yes, although I believe there should be harsher punishments for pretty much everything in this world today as the slap on the wrist most people get for well, everything, including taking the life of another whether intentionally or by negligence, as not a sufficient deterrent for people to fully consider the implication of their actions and accept personal accountability.

3.Do you believe that there should be a certain limit of alcohol allowed to be consumed at any one stage?

Current limits are fine I think - .05 for all but probationary drivers, whould should remain at zero.

4. Do you believe that raising the legal drinking age to 21 will reduce the number of alcohol related deaths?

Hope, more than believe I think. But hell, we've gotta try something!

5. Do you believe that there would be less alcohol related violence with stricter enforcement of the law?

One would hope so, although there is no quick fix here as people just basically do as they please without any second thoughts. Over time violence would reduce as the message would sink in eventually.

6. The consumption of too much alcohol is the main cause of fatal car crashes. Do you believe that if one is caught drink driving, they should face stricter punishment? Possibly imprisonment? If YES what sort of punishment/fines should they face?

For repeat offenders or those that are caught SIGNIFICANTLY over the limit, perhaps loss of licence forever regardless of impact on income earning ability. People should think of these things before getting behind the wheel; if you have an at-fault accident, you could do a hell of a lot more than just reduce someone else's (or your own) income earning capacity.

7. Were you underage when you first consumed alcohol? If so what age? (APPROXIMATELY)

15 (Yes, insert accusations of hypocrisy here! One gains perspective with age and maturity)

8. Do you believe that the government should take further precaution in order to prevent the sale of alcohol to underage youth?

Yes - harsher penalties for vendors as a deterrent

9. Many fights relate to alcohol. Do you believe that if one is highly intoxicated they should be refused purchase of any other alcoholic beverage?

Yes - again this is 'allegedly' the law at the moment but clearly the potential sanctions are insufficient deterrent for vendors to refuse service.

Edited by ronburgundy
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  • Formerly Turbo6
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General Manager

1. Should the legal drinking age be raised to 21 years of age?


2.Do you believe that there should be harsher punishment for underage drinking?


3.Do you believe that there should be a certain limit of alcohol allowed to be consumed at any one stage?

How the hell would/could you possibly police that. How many cookies should I be allowed to have after being invited in by yer m.......

4. Do you believe that raising the legal drinking age to 21 will reduce the number of alcohol related deaths?

Who knows - worth a shot isn't it? Look at the US. Population to population our stats are far worse!

5. Do you believe that there would be less alcohol related violence with stricter enforcement of the law?

Ummm, derrr. Take the farkers out of the speed camera vans to do something useful and patrol on a Friday night!

6. The consumption of too much alcohol is the main cause of fatal car crashes. Do you believe that if one is caught drink driving, they should face stricter punishment? Possibly imprisonment? If YES what sort of punishment/fines should they face?

Yes. Take their licences for a good while - minimum sentences to stop "soft judges" giving lenient ones.

7. Were you underage when you first consumed alcohol? If so what age? (APPROXIMATELY)

Yep. 16. Stupid, stupid stuff. No underage person has the ability to drink responsibly. In fact, not many people under 30 have the ability to drink responsibly!

8. Do you believe that the government should take further precaution in order to prevent the sale of alcohol to underage youth?

Yep. But if they have mum and dad buying it for them, what are you going to do? It is worse today than it ever was in years gone by.

9. Many fights relate to alcohol. Do you believe that if one is highly intoxicated they should be refused purchase of any other alcoholic beverage?


Edited by F6 RAPID
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  • Member For: 17y 19d

Age: Under 30-45

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Quantity Surveyor (cost sonsultant for building industry)

Please answer ALL questions listed below, by simply giving your honest opinion. When answering please briefly explain why.

1. Should the legal drinking age be raised to 21 years of age?

I cannot think of a logical reason for it so no.

2.Do you believe that there should be harsher punishment for underage drinking?

No. nothing short of capital punishment will stop kids drinking under age, I would vote for education over punishment.

3.Do you believe that there should be a certain limit of alcohol allowed to be consumed at any one stage?

Probably not a bad isea but cannot think of a way that would be fair to all drinkers, or how it would be policed.

4. Do you believe that raising the legal drinking age to 21 will reduce the number of alcohol related deaths?

No. I don't believe that the majority of alcohol related deaths are in the 18-21 bracket anyway.

5. Do you believe that there would be less alcohol related violence with stricter enforcement of the law?

Only if the violent part crime was dealt with harsher.

6. The consumption of too much alcohol is the main cause of fatal car crashes. Do you believe that if one is caught drink driving, they should face stricter punishment? Possibly imprisonment? If YES what sort of punishment/fines should they face?

Yes. I belive in the three strikes and you are out rule. Current system up to now seems adequate and making the fines more and suspensions longer will only increase the occurance of unlicenced driving. maybe jail them for the length of their suspension instead, I dunno.

7. Were you underage when you first consumed alcohol? If so what age? (APPROXIMATELY)


8. Do you believe that the government should take further precaution in order to prevent the sale of alcohol to underage youth?

How? It is illegal already and further policing of alcohol will force the prices up.

9. Many fights relate to alcohol. Do you believe that if one is highly intoxicated they should be refused purchase of any other alcoholic beverage?

I believe they should be refused the service of alcohol and given a bottle of water.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 21y 24d
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___________Self employed_____________________________________________

Please answer ALL questions listed below, by simply giving your honest opinion. When answering please briefly explain why.

1. Should the legal drinking age be raised to 21 years of age?


2.Do you believe that there should be harsher punishment for underage drinking?

Yes, But also liquor companies should be more responsible in the way they promote their products.

3.Do you believe that there should be a certain limit of alcohol allowed to be consumed at any one stage?


4. Do you believe that raising the legal drinking age to 21 will reduce the number of alcohol related deaths?


5. Do you believe that there would be less alcohol related violence with stricter enforcement of the law?


6. The consumption of too much alcohol is the main cause of fatal car crashes. Do you believe that if one is caught drink driving, they should face stricter punishment? Possibly imprisonment? If YES what sort of punishment/fines should they face?

Depends on amount over limit obviously if some one is just over the limit is first offence maybe a caution but be recorded on file.

Otherwise fined and loss of license second time greater fine and longer loss of licence term plus compulsory AA

Third time Fine loss of license and for good and prison term

They also need to be educated/rehabilitated

7. Were you underage when you first consumed alcohol? If so what age? (APPROXIMATELY)


8. Do you believe that the government should take further precaution in order to prevent the sale of alcohol to

underage youth?

Yes, heaps more

9. Many fights relate to alcohol. Do you believe that if one is highly intoxicated they should be refused purchase of any other alcoholic beverage?

Of course. Drink and drugs are the cause of alot of problems in society. Agreed

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  • Mad Scientist
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1. Should the legal drinking age be raised to 21 years of age?

no (I'm already over 21)

2. Do you believe that there should be harsher punishment for underage drinking?

even if there was it wouldnt stop them doing it anyway...

3. Do you believe that there should be a certain limit of alcohol allowed to be consumed at any one stage?

No, everyones tolerence is different, to limit the amount that could be consumed would have people whinging, and saying "why can anyone dictate how much I can drink, its my money I'll spend it on as much grog as I like" etc.

4. Do you believe that raising the legal drinking age to 21 will reduce the number of alcohol related deaths?

no, regardless of age stupid people will do stupid things when they are drunk...

5. Do you believe that there would be less alcohol related violence with stricter enforcement of the law?

maybe a little, but I've seen people fire up when they get cut off, so it could go either way...

6. The consumption of too much alcohol is the main cause of fatal car crashes. Do you believe that if one is caught drink driving, they should face stricter punishment? Possibly imprisonment? If YES what sort of punishment/fines should they face?

I think drink driving should wear the same penalties as "hooning" so drink drivers get their car confiscated as well...

7. Were you underage when you first consumed alcohol? If so what age? (APPROXIMATELY)

yes ~14

8. Do you believe that the government should take further precaution in order to prevent the sale of alcohol to underage youth?

no matter what rules are brought in, the kids will find a way to get the alcohol, weather it be via a parent or older sibling/friend.

9. Many fights relate to alcohol. Do you believe that if one is highly intoxicated they should be refused purchase of any other alcoholic beverage?

yes, this is already the law, yet intoxicated individuals still get served...

Edited by Mr Man
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