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Mystery Power Steering Leak Ba Xr6t Try To Work This One Out!


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I have posted previously on both Ford forums about this but in spite of all attempts to rectify it there is still an intermittent leak from high pressure line into power steering pump/reservoir which sprays fluid all over the alternator and everything else.

1:/ Replaced ford nut/coupling.......no good.

2:/ Replace entire power steering hose with Repco after market one.......no good.

3:/ Loosened and re-positioned line to ensure the intercooler duct does not push on it with engine torque.....no good.

I have run out of options, the hose is fine, the O-rings are fine, there are no other leaks anywhere.

But.......as soon as I give it a bit there will be power steering fluid sprayed all over the place again.

I tested it by driving quietly for a couple of days (minimal boost) and there was not a drop of fluid anywhere, as clean as a whistle.

Even with some boosting for overtaking etc, no problems, but today I turned a corner at a round about and the road was wet and there was some wheel spin and the traction control kicked in and when I got home there was power steering fluid sprayed everywhere again.

It is very intermittent, no amount of engine revving or turning the steering wheel from L to R will ever produce any leaks, it is only following any situation where there has been wheel spin especially through corners which I don't do too often but you've only got to do it once and it will leak.

I think that it is a tortional issue and something wrong causing excess movement (engine, trans steering rack mounts or something) which breaks the power steering line O-ring seal momentarily, I seldom have to top up the fluid.

I am not ready to take it to a mechanic yet as they will more than likely try everything which I've already done and $500 later tell me they can't find anything.

There is a mounting nut missing on the intercooler and the rubbers are all broken holding the cross over manifold on (post LI LPG conversion) other than that I cannot think of anything, it is very tight around the intercooler duct where the power steering hose screws into the pump and the Repco line has no play unlike the Ford one which had some play in it.

Any ideas would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.

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You said any ideas? did u check the seal in the cap? Also, did you replace the main hose going to the smaal pipe under the pump? You have to replace both the hose and the seperate cuopling and snap them together.

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Yeas I've checked the seal in the cap and was hoping that was the problem but the top part (the drip tray) is always dry. I replaced the coupling by removing the old one with a dremil and clicking the hose back into place

( the one way internal circlip holds it in) after installing the new coupling into the pump.

Following that I replaced the entire hose from pump to steering rack with a Repco after market one which has a flared end with a replaceable o-ring unlike the 'unserviceable' ford unit. The ford replacement hose was $357.00 and the Repco replacement hose was $86.99 so I went for the Repco.

The alternator is being degreased daily to help prevent the fluid from overheating and destroying it.

This leak certainly is a mystery to me but I am certain it is a tortional issue.

cheers for the reply David

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Sounds like the thread on the bottom of the pump is cracked.

Pull your pump off and degrease it then check the threaded area for cracks.

It may be a fine hairline crack so you may need a good light and a magnifying glass.

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PHANTMXR6 (nice colour) Good point, I think that will be the next thing I'll have to check, a fine crack in the thread would probably cause such a leak but only under certain conditions (kind of like a fine crack in a tooth hurting only when you bite on it).

Do I have to pull the pump and pulley off to check this or can I check it with it on with a mirror and powerful light? I would only want to go to the trouble of pulling off the pump and pulley after I was certain that a crack was there and causing the leak. Is there a way of testing it (thread tape or something)? Although thread tape would more than likely open the crack up more, but at least if I put some in and it made some sort of difference I would know where the problem is and rectify it accordingly.

I have heard that getting the pulley off is a pain and needs a special tool, perhaps if I loosen the 16mm nut slightly and see if that makes a difference, but I think you are in the right ball park and I would suspect a replacement pump would be the deal with a cracked thread.

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If it was mine and I suspected a crack I'd definately be removing it and checking it out.

Where it is isn't the easiest place to inspect it.

You shouldn't have to remove the pulley though.

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Pull the pump off so you can inspect it properly.

I have found with mine it keeps destroying the o ring.

I keep replacing the o ring and its fine for short time until it starts

leaking again.

Next time it is off I am going to see if I can get a teflon o ring to see if

that solves it.

Also if the o ring is not thick enough it wont pull up tight, make sure

you have correct sized o ring or try a slightly thicker one.

Another option to try is to use Aviation Goo (Non Hard setting) it may


I'm pretty sure the FG hose/Connection has been changed as well because of this leak problem.

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01txr did you find that yours only leaked when you hammered it, as I said earlier if I take it easy there is not a drop, but as soon as I drive it hard it sprays everywhere.

Where can I get some of that Aviation goo? I might try a small amount of gas fitter's tape and see if it makes a difference.

Did the BF also have this problem?

I realise now I don't have to remove the pulley, just the serpentine belt, is removing the belt a difficult thing? With my old Late model camira V6 you just had to release the tensioner with an 18mm spanner and hold it whilst removing the belt.

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I never noticed it before with mine until I went to the track last week.

I pulled up after my first five laps and power steering oil was all over the place. I noticed it on the pulley, alternator, side of block, turbo hot side piping and Nizpro air box (where the battery used to be) but their was non on the hood lining at all.

I was stumped and still am until I can get under there and check it out. It never happens at the drags, on the streets or any where else but the track.

I wiped it clean and it kept on coming back and by the end of the night it was half full.

It was strange as I first thought that it was coming out of the pulley bearing also but with non on the hood and a sort of spray pattern on the air box I suspect a hose or connection.

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