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Low Humming Noise Inside Cabin When Stationary Idle


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  • Cruise Whore
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Hi All, Just a question about my BA XR6T.

I have a low frequency humming noise inside the cabin and I would like it to stop because it is starting to get on my nerves.

It is most noticeable whilst sitting in the drivers seat. At first I thought it was the air-con or fan not switching off, but they are off (well I would guess so, switch is on the OFF positions for both). When I first got the car, I didn't notice it - was a while since I'd sat in a turbo so thought it was normal turbo exhaust noise, but now I am not so sure.

It's not diff whine because I hear it when the car is idle I.e. not moving and less noticeable in the back seat.

When I am in Park or Neutral, pressing the accelerator makes no difference to the frequency of the hum - it remains a constant low frequency hum. Nor does changing gears say putting my foot on the brake and putting car into Drive - so hoping nothing to do with the auto transmission.

My guess it might be something electrical - but not sure. Just that acoustics may be causing me to think it is electrical whereas it could just be something mechanical spinning arond at a constant speed and by the time it gets through the cabin firewall, it sounds like an electrical hum.

Radio is OFF by the way, so not the radio.

I've lifted the bonnet to see if I can pinpont anything humming in the engine bay, but nothing sounds like that hum in the engine bay. Anyone suggest any pointers for me to investigate please?

I am thinking of taking it into Ford to check out. But would prefer to go there pre-armed with some ideas about what it could be so I don't go in naive. Thanks.

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  • Cruise Whore
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Hi seduced, nope no premium sound but do have the XR8 sound pack (6 stack CD and subwoofer on rear parcel shelf).

Hi ravenhard and fordriver1, might be the fuel pump. Can't really hear it above engine noise whilst I am driving. Car is stock so would be the standard issue Ford fuel pump. I'll have a closer listen to it - sorry to ask such a lame question, but could you tell me where to find the full pump in the engine bay? Also, do you know if it indicates a problem with the fuel pump if I find it emitting a humming noise? Thanks.

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  • Sucker
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If it's the stock fuel pump it'll be in the tank under the back seat, you won't be able to see it.

Do you know the full history of the car? Might have a few left-over mods on it? :dontknow:

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Fuel pump is under the rear seat on the passengers side.

Turn the key to on without starting the engine and see if you can still hear it.

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