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Modded Fg Xr6t


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Guest markytheman
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I now lea at Real Dyno performance in Brisbane has a fg xr6t that's run a time of 10.99 at 126mph with 508hp. it was the first fg to brake in to the 10s. :beerchug:

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  • Member For: 14y 9m 22d
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Got the mag. Don't like the wheels but the car as a whole is pretty sweet. I'm suprised he has standard modded turbo and a standard internals.

Looks like the only thing he has upgraded in the motor is valve springs.

that's the bonnet I'llbe getting.

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Guest markytheman
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Got the mag. Don't like the wheels but the car as a whole is pretty sweet. I'm suprised he has standard modded turbo and a standard internals.

Looks like the only thing he has upgraded in the motor is valve springs.

that's the bonnet I'llbe getting.

its good power mate. he modded the turbo with a f6 one I think.?? if I was u 2 be safe. I would just go 500hp mate. I now that is safe with RDPs fg xr6t having 508hp for 2 years and doing 10s with standard internals. :beerchug: good luck mate.. :spoton:

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  • Member For: 14y 9m 22d
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Thanks Marky. Did RDP have any internal work done like valve springs etc? What about your Kice? Did you just sort out the fuel pump/surge etc? How safe did XTF say your engine would be with 405kw? Didyou end up damaging your motor with that power? Also what turbs where you running to get that power?

Sorry for all the questions.

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Guest markytheman
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mate. RDPs car had stock internals mate. made 508hp.. mods r HDI cooler f6 turbo 3.5 exhaust and up grade driveshafts. if u get issue 75 street fords. RDPs car is in it mate. 3 pages of the car. :spoton:

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  • Boost Addict
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Motor was fine. As I did the turbo upgrade I bought a built motor for safety. Turbo for 405 was a fg f6 one. Markey I don't beleive the turbo rdp used was not a f6 spec one, they use a compressor wheel from the gt30 turbo for quicker spool up. Down side of that was they had to jam heaps of boost to make the desired power I.e 23+. much more sensible to go with f6 spec, max power and slightly laggier by a few hundred rpm. Don't know where you got 20psi from, regardless I got more power with less boost which overall IMO will be safer option. But then again if your looking at goin to my level no point upgrading to a f6 spec coz it's 2k wasted $$$ which is same price of a gt40. Better options for turbo have been released since I've done my testing, don't know how they will work out but surely they are the best option. Forced peformance hagt3782r or Garrett gtx3582r would have best power output with faster spool than even imaginable, better than anything done before

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