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Pollen Filter - Thanks Guys

Guest PhilH

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Guest PhilH
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Forced to follow a extremely smokey truck on Friday (not for long thanks to that "XR6T Take Off" potential - I still say WOW each time). Left the air on Fresh mode and not a breath of diesel smell in the car. Would have been diving for the Recirc button immediately in my previous EL.

Thanks to those on the group that mentioned the pollen filter was good at stopping the Diesel fumes, and hence drove my only reason for having it fitted. Well worth the $30 odd dollars every couple of years. Another piece of great advice from the group.

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  • Flower Power
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Hmmm, maybe I don't have one fitted as I still smell diesel fumes from inside the cabin when on fresh air mode...

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Where does the filter actually go? On my BMW is use to go in the engine bay

The pollen filter is behind the glove box just pull down the glove box so it clears the tab at the top when you open it and you'll see a black plastic cover that's it, instructions are on it. I've got one in mine and it doesn't get rid of fumes. A mate at ford tells me they're working on a carbon (fumes)filter.

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Guest PhilH
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I've got one in mine and it doesn't get rid of fumes. A mate at ford tells me they're working on a carbon (fumes)filter.

Well, have to partially eat my words here, followed another truck today, and DID smell some fumes. Not very stong, but certainly there.

I think it's still fair to say it drastically reduces the fumes, certainly heaps less than my EL.

Would be interested to hear about the Carbon option when it comes out.

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I looked where you told me and I think I found it, black thing that pulls out and has like a plastic woven like mesh is this it or is the pollen one diff? Mt bmw had a filter similar to that used for the air cleaner on the engine.???? :thumbsup:

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I looked where you told me and I think I found it, black thing that pulls out and has like a plastic woven like mesh is this it or is the pollen one diff? Mt bmw had a filter similar to that used for the air cleaner on the engine.???? 

That is just the collector for leaves etc. When the pollen filter is installed that is discarded. A pollen filter looks alot like a engine air filter without the metal mesh on one side, all included with the pollen filter is a plastic door to seal the filter in, it is basically the same as the bit on the original tray with the open/close direction on it but without the mesh tray part attached. The reason I got the pollen filter was to keep the dirt from getting into the car. Hope that helps. :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest P'cisT
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How do you actually get to the pollen filter? I want to check if mines there.

I heard that it's behind the glovebox, but how do I remove the glovebox to get to it?

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