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Just Cut A Hole And Move The Deck He Said ...


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As ravenhard said mate, its not that we are being negative, its just that when you read the topic title, then see the pictures and "sigh" it makes it look like you've done something wrong or put trust in someone you shouldn't have!

There are plenty of guys doing different things with Audio in the BA/F - and hey, when its finished it may look awesome and do some great things for you, but at the moment it looks like a mess! What else have you got planned for it? Are you just doing that mod and leaving it?

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abit different will be good to see it when its done. I went a different way I just got the audio blokes to remove the bottom tray where the lighter socket sits & got them to make up a panel for the head unit to sit in. Looks factory & finishes off the console just nicely. Looks like somethings missing when I see others. lol.

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good job bud, should turn out good, get some more pics when you have the face finished so we can see how it looks.

good thing will be you won't have to pay around with lc6 or the 360.1 signal controller.

did you think about puttin a double din head unit in?

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there was a bloke modding the dashes to fit 10' screens ages ago, they looked awesome.

As for a modded flip-out, id just stick it down the bottom with a DNA mount kit..... looks clean and easily effective.

+1 for wasting time.

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yeah I reckon 'good on ya'. do something different and it makes things interesting.

make sure you put plenty of progress pics up. if youve just extended wires, I cant see any reason it wont work. just dont do anything that lets the smoke out of the icc. ive let the smoke out of plenty of electronic things, and its usually REAL expensive to have put back in.... :beerchug:

Edited by fordriver1
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Maybe that's because its not finished yet ...

For a dedicated Ford forum you guys sure are negative about progress in being able to run decent stereos , may aswell delete the thread.

Mate what makes you think that the highlighted comment means something. This would be better suited to an audiophile forum, Just beacause you have done it to a ford. Do not expect sympathy and as many others have said. Your first post and tiltle leads one to believe that you have farked up and are in the poo.

You want attention, make over 400 rwkw or run naked down a street, just sto[p your bloody whinging.


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yeah I reckon 'good on ya'. do something different and it makes things interesting.

make sure you put plenty of progress pics up. if youve just extended wires, I cant see any reason it wont work. just dont do anything that lets the smoke out of the icc. ive let the smoke out of plenty of electronic things, and its usually REAL expensive to have put back in.... :laughrolling:

the harder I try to get the smoke back in the more it comes out though hahahahahahahh :stupid:

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Alright time to come clean , I hate Fords , have done since day 1 , Im a Expensive Daewoo boy through and through , It was semi intentional posting vague imforation and being short , lets just say I love fishing :)

I love nothing more than stiring mates up here about Fords but hey its all in good fun and when it comes to things like this I couldnt care what badge is on it.

This project was 2 minds put together , I do the work , mate supplies the car ...

If Im not kicked out of here for good then I can post pics of the 10K tray install aswell if anyone is interested.

Feel free to abuse me for being a Expensive Daewoo boy , I have big shoulders :lol:

As ravenhard said mate, its not that we are being negative, its just that when you read the topic title, then see the pictures and "sigh" it makes it look like you've done something wrong or put trust in someone you shouldn't have!

There are plenty of guys doing different things with Audio in the BA/F - and hey, when its finished it may look awesome and do some great things for you, but at the moment it looks like a mess! What else have you got planned for it? Are you just doing that mod and leaving it?

The screen has been relocated and the cd part of the that ICC unit 'may' not be going back in , yet to get that far.

If that's the case this has turned out alot easier than I expected.

where are u puting the old screen?

Its going in the dash where a passenger airbag would be but since its a ute theres a big gap there !

The display doesnt need to be seen as the dash dials tell you if you have your aircon on or not ...

lookin good kal. hows that gtsr build goin?
Slow ... and then some.
abit different will be good to see it when its done. I went a different way I just got the audio blokes to remove the bottom tray where the lighter socket sits & got them to make up a panel for the head unit to sit in. Looks factory & finishes off the console just nicely. Looks like somethings missing when I see others. lol.

that's how it originally was but as it misses the handbrake by 2mm and it cant be in 1st , 3rd or 5th it kind of renders it useless to use fully functioning IMO.

good job bud, should turn out good, get some more pics when you have the face finished so we can see how it looks.

good thing will be you won't have to pay around with lc6 or the 360.1 signal controller.

did you think about puttin a double din head unit in?

I have measured for a double din and to date it wouldnt fit unless the factory unit is ditched , this may be a reality but time will tell.

He already had this unit so pointless changing it over when its basically brand new.

Now if you will excuse me Im going to put my flame proof suite on ...

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