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Got To Drive An R Spec.....


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Last week, my old computer died......now I should tell you that what I know about computers, you could write on the head of a pin with a crayon right.... :spoton:

So after hearing some positive feedback about another forum member (Smicky) who is really good with these things, I ask him to fix it.......

When I go to pick it up......he offers me a skid in his R Spec Typhoon :3gears::w00t2:

Now, I've had mine edited, so there didn't seem to be a whole lot of difference in a straight line, but that ZF 6 speed was so nice to use.....so much better than I would have thought.

I thought mine was nice inside......until I sat in in that leather interior........

I thought mine went round corners ok......until I turned into a corner with this handling package.....

I thought mine stopped ok.....until I felt this car try to stand on its nose with those Brembos.....

I can now understand why others pay stacks more to get one of these things....

Driving this car made my own feel like a bucket of bolts :blink:

Thanks so much for the spin Michael......was a real eye opener :stupid:

And as for fixing me up with the computer.......

Installed a new desktop in my house,

Saved and reinstalled a stack of stuff that I needed,

Got me a heaps better virus protection setup,

Repaired and networked my laptop to the house system, and put up with my endless phone calls asking stupid questions.....

Recommend you to anybody....thanks mate :spoton:

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Hey Reg,

Not a problem mate.... Was my pleasure!


But lets be honest - you really only wanted to the keys to the Phoon, fixing the puters up was just a bonus!


As always, and again my pleasure!


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