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Clutch Adjustment?


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ok guys im a newbie and have been searching the forum all day for little tips ect, from what oil to use to bov's ect.

I own a 03 xr6 turbo with 103000 on the clock and have been loving the car. got the diff rebuilt 2000kms ago new 330mm front rotors and pads rah rah rah. had the manifold studs come to loose 3 times but have fixed it using cone nuts :-D

I use to own a 95 futura 5 spd and when the clutch would grip at the end of the stroke I adjusted it and it was fine being the cable clutch. sorry to sound dumb but can u adjust the hydrolic clutch at all?? ie put more of less fluid in or anything as the gripping point is at the end of the stroke and its annoying. car has a new clutch in it as of 4 months ago. :beerchug: I look forward and keen to learning more about my car on the forum some people really no there stuff :-)


Edited by phoonme
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As far as I know you can't adjust them being hydraulic, however you may need to bleed the clutch to get it correct. Since the clutch has been changed you may want to try that to cancel out some possibilties. Another thing to look at could be the Slave cylinder, the genuine ones are plastic and have a habit of getting lazy.

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bleeding the clutch requires you to release a bleed nipple on the bellhousing under the car.. Then gravity will bleed the fluid from the resevoir (with the cap off and someone there making sure the fluid is always topped up) and the clutch will be bled.

Post up in Mal wood's section of this forum for more information, and he might have some other tips/hints on how to adjust the clutch to suit..

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Not in these cars...

Just pump the crap out of the pedal and it bleeds the air out.

The nipple is there when you want to change the fluid.

These clutches self adjust.

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