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personally I prefer a nice flat boost curve. Anyone can jam boost into a tune and not always safely.

A 250 rwkw car can be made to feel like a rocket ship as a consequence.

It is a about driveability at the end of the day. My car will spin 'em at 80kmph in second (auto), but then

I'm running 370 atw. I would prefer to go fast not sideways

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My car will kick out sideways at 100k/hr if I clutch it. Standing start will spin through all first 3 gears! With good tyres and a carefull foot I can get traction in 2nd if I short shift into 3rd and allow torque to pull the car.

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I dont have wheelspin yet.... but anway boost spikes dont make a friendly family car for me :evil: Progress and usable power is paramount.

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Ive got 3 gears and the rears light up easy in all three. It depends on how you drive and the quality of the tyres, with 22's on the rear its hard to find a good soft compond tyre with out spending $$$$$.

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Currently im at somewhere around a rather low 250-260rwkw. The last dyno was done on a stupidly hot day and some ordinary fuel. I have falken 452s 245/19s all round, and what surprises me is the way the car will consistantly light the rears under full throttle normal acceleration in 1st (of course) and in 2nd without even thinking about it. On a wet day it will loose traction right up to 5th gear (which makes for interesting overtaking...)

Now to clear any confusion, I am not intentionally trying to spin them, this has nothing to do with clutch dumping, just normal WOT behaviour on boost.

If im only making 250rwkw or so, I can't imagine what 350+ would be like in terms of drivability. You guys must be frying tyres in the first 3 gears... So, before I begin my next mod stage, how bad is the traction in your cars? Is it out of the question to have it planted in the first 2 gears? Do you have it tuned to lessen the violence when it comes on boost?


not being mean bud but from what I can see ya need to learn to control the throttle a lil better - these cars have a massive amount of torque and even in standard form if I give it a boot ful I can get a certain amount of wheelspin - I think the hardest and most fun part about these cars is trying to get the power down its a fine line between crazy amounts of wheelspin and launching it fast. but if it really worries you maybe take it back to your tuner and ask him if he can flatten the boost out a bit more - you may even be surprised that the car will actually go quicker as opposed to just feeling quicker

just my 5c inc gst

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Ok. Thanks for the replies.

I will be contacting my tuner to have the boost more progressive. I drove my mates modded turbo yesterday, and he had his boost flattened out and boy what a different car. Honestly, it is far more enjoyable to drive, it has a more natural feel to the engine and it works better with the manual box. Im not into straight line speed, I prefer the corners, and this will be far more suitable for me. Even drving a stock turbo feels better...its amazingly slow, but it feels more refined and progressive.

Also, it will much safer when my wife decides to drive it. Currently it happily spins under average load in the wet in the first three gears. Under full throttle it steps out in 4th and 5th. The traction control seems to make littel difference.

The push in the back is fun mind you. Just not always ideal.

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I've had these tyres. They are good but need warming up, like any tyre, to get maximum grip. If it's a cool day power is coming on a bit stronger and your tyres having less temp will tend to turn a lot easier.

Tyre wise, I'm now using Toyo Proxes T1-R http://www.toyo.com.au/Proxes%20T1R.htm. These tyres have a heap of grip for what they are. They hold a lot more power than my previous Falken F452. As far as balance is concerned, I'm finding 35psi in the rear and 40psi in the front works very well.

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