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Ford Motor Company & Fpv Tour (all States Event)

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  • Kia Sorento
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Cro.....and others

Are there any details for time tables, departure times and meeting places set for the Geelong trip? :nod:

Are we going to try and make this a "proper" cruise with Road Captains and a Tail End Charlie and have CB or Mobile phone communications setups?

Travel at a set (safe) speed and have regular stops (every 2 hours) ? :spit:

I know it is boring..but, we are going to have to sooner rather than later when we are a CLUB.

Do we need to set up some procedures , number of cars in each group, passing techniques, lights on, road manners, fueling (do other cars wait), keeping together, food stops, breakdowns and flat tyres,

Just some ideas people, I dont mind what happens but I would like to think we can do it better and safer and give a good impression to other road users that XR6 drivers are good safe responsible drivers :thumbsup::spit:

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  • Flower Power
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As I'm not going down, I can't control the way the cruise is set up.

I will be giving details of meeting points and times early next week.

Meeting points for Sydney, Canberra, Woodonga on Thursday.

Meeting points for Geelong and Broadmeadows on Friday.

Meeting points for the Discovery Center and GOR cruise on Saturday.

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  • What's happening?
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I have a proper CB in my car, so I will volunteer for either leader or tail end.

As far as everything else goes, fuel shouldnt be too much of an issue as we should all need to fuel up at approx the same time.

Passing wont be much of an issue, as most (not all) of the Doom highway is dual carriageway now, apart from a couple of sections near Coolac and Tarcutta.

Speed limits will need to be strictly adhered to once we cross the border (no money to Bracks), and I wouldnt want to cruise any quicker than say 118km/h in NSW.

I agree with stops every 2 - 3 hours to stretch the legs etc.

Also lights on etc is a good idea. In the event of a mechanical problem, it may be a bit hard for that many cars to pull over in one spot, so maybe 1 or 2 could assist, the rest could keep going to a spot to regroup (use the CBs to communicate, see how it pans out).

I will meet the Sydney contingent on the freeway just after Picton Rd, as I am coming up from the 'Gong. Once you guys decide on your meeting/depart point I will advise.

Ideas anyone??

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  • Moderating Team
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As im bringing the AU wagon along again, would it be a good idea for me to bring spare wheels, tools and consumables along like I did on the Coast cruise? Or is it all a bit of a waste of space? What do you reckon? :idea:

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  • Lifetime Members
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As I'm not going down, I can't control the way the cruise is set up.

I will be giving details of meeting points and times early next week.

Meeting points for Sydney, Canberra, Woodonga on Thursday.

Meeting points for Geelong and Broadmeadows on Friday.

Meeting points for the Discovery Center and GOR cruise on Saturday.

How come your not going Cro???

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  • I see red
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As im bringing the AU wagon along again, would it be a good idea for me to bring spare wheels, tools and consumables along like I did on the Coast cruise? Or is it all a bit of a waste of space? What do you reckon? :idea:

Why aren't you driving the T mate? Can't keep it mothballed forever. <_<

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  • Moderating Team
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  • Location: Sydney
Why aren't you driving the T mate? Can't keep it mothballed forever. :ermm:

One main reason, Miss ms700 gets the AU along with a fuel card as part of her salary package, so we would rather use her company's fuel than our own!

Even though it will only save 100 beer tokens or so, Id rather spend that cash on beer than fuel!!! Guess its my shout down Melbourne then! :beerchug:

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  • 00-XRG / 006-FPV
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Mr Cro, due to unforseeable finacial "suprises" I'm unable to make it to the FPV/Ford tour.

Would have been fun though. Can anyone sneek in a hidden camera??? hahaha jokes.

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