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Xr6t Vs Skyline


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Tochi I actually thought the responses on here were pretty even handed . If you think the punters here are blinkered go talk up oz cars on ozhonda or skylinesaustralia lol

yeah they actually have

I dont think one person yet has said ones better than the other

they both have there ups and downs

I guess these ford fans are saying the T has more ups than downs and I cant help but agree!

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man all you guys need to come to christchurch in NZ capital of skylines If you see a GTR badge on a old vintage R32 chances are its a GTR engine in it and since the guy driving it is not only a di(k but a crazy kiwi, hes probably not gunna care if he blows it up as long as he wins I think id like to agree with the post that from Dagabond there will always be someone faster which is so true

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  • Hey guys, Tab is here... Oh i feel sick
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have you seen the hks skyline that was featured as a secret car in grand torismo, I saw it at willowbank and it was the first time it had left tokyo. man that f*cker was fast (fastest awd in the world) everytime it launched it sounded like something was breaking something. there will always be another car that's faster doesnt matter what brand it is


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stock FG F6 ran a 12.59 in perth.

stock R35 GTR ran a 11.79 (hit speed limiter 3/4 track) in perth.


2000 R34 GTR - avg price $60k

2008 FG F6 - avg price $63k ?

Its pretty harsh to compare an 8 year old car and a brand new car that are worth the same.

The appeal (for me at least) of turbo 6 is that you can go pretty fast on a limited budget with a newish car, if you buy a GTR chances are you are going to pay as much or more in the purchase as a T or F6 and then when the T/F6 is buying mods you're still doing maintenance because these cars have had a hard time generally speaking as well as normal wear and tear from age.

GTRs are great cars but not for the feint hearted or those with shallow pockets. I looked at a bunch of jap cars before I decided on a T but there isnt much around that would be less than 5 years old and do an 11 second quarter mile with a few mods and still be all up under 35k. If money wasn't an issue I wouldnt mind a worked r32 gtr (or a worked evo) as a weekender/track car but I dont have that sort of coin lying around.

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I remember a while ago there was a HKS GTR R33 that ran 7's ....... now that's faaaaarkn quick! :chained:

I was at a track day at Sandown with one of these things when my car was stock and I have a video of it flying past me on the main straight while I was at WOT haha. The owner said it pulled 455awkw.


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If I was going to build a money is no object circuit destroyer I'd be looking for a GT-R. No doubt. Comparisons of 150k coupes and 70k sedans are irrelevant........comparisons of 8 year old coupes and brand new sedans from a value perspective are also irrelevant. The potential of a GT-R with deep pockets is higher than an XR6T from an all round performance stand point, as one would bloody well expect.......once is built is a high performance supercar killer, the other a sports sedan with humble taxi roots! bang for buck drag racing then the XR6T is king. balls out circuit work its no contest for a properly sorted GT-R.

But then again the thread is about Skylines....the majority of which are not GT-Rs........I wouldnt take any Skyline GTST or whatever over my F6.

Edited by Erko
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But then again the thread is about Skylines....the majority of which are not GT-Rs........I wouldnt take any Skyline GTST or whatever over my F6.

id take both, one for being my everyday fun toy - F6 and one for a garage project - skyline im just greedy :chained:

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