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Xr6t Vs Skyline


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Money and research.

If you do your homework and put your money in the right mods, both skylines and XRTs can be as quick as each other.

The 6 speed auto Ts are a bloody quick car standard, so its just a matter of throwing a few more KW into them.

The real challenge is for the manuals. Getting 1800kg (some more) off the line is the key.

The right combo of clutch,tyre,launch RPM and power is far harder to achieve. So IMO this comparison of skylines and XRT should be just manuals and 2WD only. Stock 32GTRs can run mid to high 11s, you would need to spend a fair bit of coin to get a GTST to run a time like that.

At the moment I think a stock XRT could get me off the line as I spend all my energy just trying to keep the wheels from spinning in the first 3 gears. As for me the next round of mods will in in the suspension. At the latest Wholesale Suspension open night it was very clear that my neg camber is a little too much for the power level, would be fine for something mildly modded but now I need as much tyre on the road as possible. I will also be going to street slicks :(

At the end of the day if either car is setup right it comes down to the driver.

Maybe should have a skyline VS XRT day at WSID lol

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Ive heard so much hype over the Nissan Skyline

but a huge percentage of the time at the drags on wednesday or out on the streets Skylines are being thrashed by Xr6 turbos

Specifically last week I saw a BF MKII smoke an r34 off the lights and all the way down to the next set but whenever I talk to my mates who are into imports or other import loving people im told that im full of sh*t

Does anyone have any actual experiences racing against a skyline in a T or have seen a T race a skyline

I need some voices to back me up!

Annnd im interested to hear the results!


Nuff Said I'd did this last night to a friend of mines GTS T my T is only slightly modified!

Edited by Vevapower
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ive smoked every skyline ive raced. from start to finish. They usually are good for bout 280-300rwkw. When they have more, then you know they are srs business with full built motors etc...but even then...

fully built gt-r's are a different kettle of fish all together. But they are hard to come buy, especially on the street.

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  • 7 months later...
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I have a bit over 300rwkw at the moment, a mate of mine has 320atw in his r32 gt-r...we raced n he beat me no suprise I guess he's got more power less weight and awd. They're just an awesome machine but that being said...a majority of skylines on the road and I don't mean gt-rs are just very average cars that a well modded T should eat for breakfast...of course there are exceptions.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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This thread has helped keep me entertained (& awake) on this very hung over boxing day 5am start!

so heres my ten cents worth from a person who has owned numerous imports and v8's and has just bought his first xr6t......

among the long list of cars, I have owned two skylines ....and here is the thing. they are nearly all manual, they have very low ratio diffs, very rigid chassis dynamics for handling purposes, they are very light, especially in the arse end and they tipically dont have a lot of down low tourqe.

they are the worst possible set up for drag racing, and typically spin the wheels half the track if they have decent power.

the ford on the other hand has some weight in its arse to sqaut down and get "some" traction, are mostly autos and have sh*t loads of tourqe. I could send my wife out to the strip in the ford to have some fun (its not that hard to select D) and whoop some pimple faced kids in their near stock skylines, trying to time his launch with a brass button clutch.....!

But go to a clubman circit day, and watch the disapointmant on the bokes faces, that has just paid big bucks for his shiny new fpv or hsv getting lapped by these "OLD" 90 model imports....its halarious. this is what these cars were built for.......proper racing....

a lot of the guys on here are saying that you have to spend so much money to make a skyline do a qiuck quater. well probably as much as you need to spend to make a taxi corner!

pointless comparing these two cars, as both cars are terrific for totally different reasons.....:)

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