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Tail Shaft Problems- Fg Xr6 T


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GMH8R - If you are in Toowoomba, book it in to Southern Cross Ford with Ian McLean ONLY. His team of guys are brilliant. They sorted a mile of problems for me.

But dont go in mad, complaining and swearing, if you act like an idiot, they will treat you like one. Courtesy works both ways.

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Yeah it's the last thing I should do. Southern cross are good as they have been more than happy to take my ute in and have a look. I am frustrated though that it has been in the ford workshop 4 times to have the drivers seat fixed and it still isn't done properly. And when I take it in I get asked repeatedly if I have done anything to it. I say no but they keep asking are you sure ect. I got annoyed with that. Sorry to have been misleading in any way. I did ask the warranty manager about warranty once mods are done and he was more than helpful with any questions I had.

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  • 1 month later...
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hey guys

I have just buggered my fourth tail shaft and every time it has been when I was travelling im starting to get over it ford just keep replacing it and say its fixed but it still isnt

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After having to a chat a few months back to one of the guys who did durability testing on the ute drivelines at the proving grounds, I was surprised to hear about Fords lack of brains regarding this issue. Exploding tailshaft joints was apparently a common almost daily event on the turbos, particularly the manuals, during testing.

His comment was its "like the BA/BF diff bush problem times 5".

His understanding of the actual problem is because of a weaker design in the rear end itself, the nose of the diff can tilt excessively, putting strain on the CV's in the tailshaft, as they aren't designed to cope with the sorts of angles the driveline ends up with.

Fords answer to the problem was attempting a torque limiting in first gear, and hope it didn't come back and bite them in the ass. Looks like it has.

Also beware that testing also showed the ability of the diffs to actually twist the leafs into an S-shape, and this was the main reason for programming in the torque limiting.

Good luck in sorting it out with Ford!

Edited by arm79
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  • 3 months later...
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Does anyone know if the tailshaft problem has been fixed by the factory yet?

My 2010 plated XR8 is to be delivered at the end of this month and I believe prevention to be much better than cure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After having to a chat a few months back to one of the guys who did durability testing on the ute drivelines at the proving grounds, I was surprised to hear about Fords lack of brains regarding this issue. Exploding tailshaft joints was apparently a common almost daily event on the turbos, particularly the manuals, during testing.

His comment was its "like the BA/BF diff bush problem times 5".

His understanding of the actual problem is because of a weaker design in the rear end itself, the nose of the diff can tilt excessively, putting strain on the CV's in the tailshaft, as they aren't designed to cope with the sorts of angles the driveline ends up with.

Fords answer to the problem was attempting a torque limiting in first gear, and hope it didn't come back and bite them in the ass. Looks like it has.

Also beware that testing also showed the ability of the diffs to actually twist the leafs into an S-shape, and this was the main reason for programming in the torque limiting.

Good luck in sorting it out with Ford!

with my new found torque my leafs must go from an S to a figure eight. You can feel there is some weird stuff going on back there. I wont be putting bigger tyres on the back any time soon - I feel that might be the straw that broke the cammels back.

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I reckon if someone like Mal Wood could engineer a new tailshaft design that wouldnt break, they would sell thousands of them. You could then sell the design to Ford...

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The design is not the problem, I am sure Ford has some very smart engineers working for them, but they have a major constraint and that is a budget.. I don't the majority of customers are going to accept another grand on top for a failproof tailshaft..

Anyway, Ford have a sh*tload of dud tailshafts now.. have to get rid of them somehow :w00t2:

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