Kimberley Scott Donating Members 6,763 Member For: 19y 7m 13d Gender: Male Location: Brisbane Posted 14/05/09 04:06 AM Share Posted 14/05/09 04:06 AM Hey KSA) I persnally dont put any sports stars as role models for my life I would rather look up and aspire to be like successful leaders and thinkers etc who actually contribute to society, Unfortunantly though Australian culture is a very sports focused mentality and people look up to and admire them. When they put themselves as faces of awareness or community campaigns etc they are putting themselves up as role models. To me a role model should be someone who carries themselves with dignity and pride in all aspects of there lives.b) no I would not like to be under that sort of scrutiny hence why I didnt pursue a career in public life, and no nothing I have ever done would create half the scandal these idiots seem to bring upon themselves.MateGood to see a direct response and to enter into some debate. Imagine this in response to the highlighted comment made by you. You are young fit and just so happen to be good footballer. As luck would have it a talent scout wandered in your hight unemployment one horse town and blue wind up your behind and offered you money and full time employment doing something you did for free on the weekends and enjoyed doing. So you think all your lucky braks have come at once and if you are lucky you get drafted into say the AFL. I would not consider this an active choice to pursue a career in the public spotlight. rather the public scrutiny is the dark side of doing something that you love and enjoy and getting paid well for it.Now the talent scout does not care if you are black or white, rich or poor religious or atheiest. of good moral standing or not. Rather the talent scout is looking to fill a lack of a talented full foward or ruckman for his team.The Young fit footballer is plucked from mediocrity at best and thrust into a whole new world, one where it would be lucky if his feet touch the ground for the first 18 mounths.On a personnel note, with media hype and flagrant disreguard for what in my opinion is investagitive journalism, they could create a story from me almost weekly. Thank heavens I am an ugly, poor, dumb no body or I would be farked.Scotty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iconic Bionic My engine bay is Bionic Donating Members 3,726 Member For: 18y 11m 11d Gender: Male Location: Freeways Posted 14/05/09 04:09 AM Author Share Posted 14/05/09 04:09 AM (edited) Only posted this up last night and theirs 5 pages already. And the '7 year ago' argument seems to be prominant and rightly so. If it was a murder that had caught up with him 7 years later then we would all likely agree but it was not a crime of any sort and still today, immoral conduct is not criminal conduct. Even in N.Z.I.B. Edited 14/05/09 04:19 AM by Iconic Bionic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xr6 typhoon Good for nothing member Donating Members 619 Member For: 20y 8m 6d Location: Sydney Posted 14/05/09 04:38 AM Share Posted 14/05/09 04:38 AM It wasn't Matty Johns fault that the kiwi girl didn't know about the interchange rule! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iconic Bionic My engine bay is Bionic Donating Members 3,726 Member For: 18y 11m 11d Gender: Male Location: Freeways Posted 14/05/09 04:40 AM Author Share Posted 14/05/09 04:40 AM Oh here we go.I.B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azasturbo Member 206 Member For: 16y 1m 16d Posted 14/05/09 05:03 AM Share Posted 14/05/09 05:03 AM (edited) azasturbo, you need to keep the "if ti was your daughter" out of this argument as it is not the case and just brings in emotion that is not needed.While you seem to have a high moral position on the subject, you need to remember that we are talking about a mixture of a slut and footballers, not smart people by any streatch.Yeah fair call zapI do agree though in regards to the second sentence And it is rare for me to take the moral high ground, my mates think im the dirtiest perv about but I do it in good fun and couldnt pull my cock out and jerk off in front of the lads. I do just feel for the girl alot her life has been hell.I do like this quote from th telegraph today thoughI mean, no one wants to be judgemental, or anything.And I'd hate to be thought a fuddy-duddy.But you don't have to be especially judgmental, do you, to harbour some reservations about someone who is unfazed about being joined, at the business end of a date, by nine or 10 workmates with their pants off?Strip away the fame and the adulation and all the trappings.Strip away the girl, even, and ask the obvious question.Which is: Why would a group of blokes come together, as if drawn by some invisible gravitational force, and gather in a room to masturbate with each other?What do we ordinarily call that behaviour?Much criticism has been made that the players who engage in "bunning" are exploiting these girls for bestial sexual purposes.I don't know.Those girls are being used all right, but I reckon they're being used as beards to disguise the otherwise perfectly obvious, screaming queerness of what's going on.Come on. Are you kidding?Let's say it out loud: it's the gayest thing ever.Absolutely pissed myself when I read that, summed up my feelings towards footballers perfectly, never have I seen blokes so happy to dress like women and play with eachothers genitals then them blokes.Ks sorry mate just saw your reply, and yep you are dead right in that situation I think anyone who had the talent would jump at the chance. If only the clubs that take em on would understand there responsibilities to those sort of young blokes about what they can expect to face in public life. I guess the blame doesnt lie with any one person its an embedded culture that needs to change and sooner rather than later. Edited 14/05/09 05:14 AM by azasturbo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Erko Donating Members 1,079 Member For: 21y 5m Gender: Male Location: Sydney Posted 14/05/09 05:06 AM Share Posted 14/05/09 05:06 AM interesting topic. I can reasonably believe that the bird was keen for a spit roast with 2 blokes, and thought she would give it a go. then it turns into something far more than she had anticipated. I could also believe that she was not keen for the gang work, however was scared / intimidated / sh*tting herself at 19 years old as to how to say know to a bunch of 100kg blokes all round her, pegs out, getting grabby etc. I have known birds that would be petrified to say no in that situation, and there inability to stop it does not mean they want to do it. People will deal with these things differently, a lot of people would try to bury this stuff, but eventually its going to resurface unless its dealt with. I am confident the ABC didnt give her a razoo........she is airing it now as now she feels SHE has the power and wants to bring it out and then she can move on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buf-Phoon loitering with intent Lifetime Members 13,318 Member For: 21y 6m 11d Gender: Male Location: Zombie Birdhouse Posted 14/05/09 05:40 AM Share Posted 14/05/09 05:40 AM latest newsStatistics reveal that the Cronulla Sharks get a better crowd at their gang bangs than they do at their home games Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kimberley Scott Donating Members 6,763 Member For: 19y 7m 13d Gender: Male Location: Brisbane Posted 14/05/09 05:46 AM Share Posted 14/05/09 05:46 AM I have known girls to get banged by 30 plus blokes and call out for more. The difference between this incident and some that I am aware of. Is that the other incidents were filmed and its hard to cry foul play when you are on film with all holes filled and crying out for more.Scotty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
exarsixturbo Dr. Speed Member 784 Member For: 17y 7m 2d Gender: Male Location: The land of Politicians, Public Servants, Porno & Pyrotechnics Posted 14/05/09 06:17 AM Share Posted 14/05/09 06:17 AM (edited) Personally, I couldn't give a f*ck less what happens to the bloke.Anyone dumb enough to jeopardise their career as a high profile sportsman and "role model" () by getting involved in antics like this should get used to copping it sweet.I mean, he may not be a rocket scientist but it doesn't take a genius to know that gangbangs, regardless of consent or circumstance don't go over well with corporates and major sponsors AND open you up to the "he said, she said" rape / sexual misconduct quagmire that has become all the rage for women and the tabloid media looking to make some quick coin.It's interesting that I know of 3, that's right 3! Almost identical stories to this one, which happened in my home town in country Victoria, all involving... you guessed it, footy players.Having said that, all 3 of those incidents involved younger girls, who weren't blind drunk, consensually engaging in varying degrees of f*cked up sexual sh*t with older footy guys, presumably because they were "star struck" (for want of a better phrase).And why? Because the girl said she was 18 when she was 16, then jumped into a spitroast with a few guys, then went and blew another dude out the back of the party and NOW she regrets it???I'm sorry but I have very little sympathy for these sluts and it really makes my blood curdle when most of society instantly jumps on the female's side, regardless of facts or evidence and proceeds to victimize the girl and demonize the guy(s).Bravo Ghosti!You only have to go to a particular club here in Canberra after the Raiders have played a home game and see all the skanks that hang off them and then go outside and blow them in the carpark - or worse... It happens every single home game. These girls are all for it at the time and then as soon as they realise that it’s a two-bit slut act and Mummy has found out or that they are never going to become a "footballers wife" because he was just in it for the poontang - they cry rape! It's ridiculous! You read in the news how this girl was so traumatised that she contemplated suicide and life hasn't been the same since, blah, blah - rubbish! Why wait all this time to come forward then? If they did gang-rape her, call the cops 10 mins after it happened, get checked out by CSI and have them all in jail by the next morning…. Don’t wait 7 years and then go to the media….I was at a music event a couple of years back where a chick went through 6 different tents worth of guys and chopped every one of them! IN A ROW! Face it, these types of girls are out there. Having said all that - I don't condone this kind of behaviour to woman in any way - IF it actually happened like the media is suggesting - which I doubt! I have no doubt there is heaps of occasions where the blokes are at fault and they deserve all the punishment they get! I just don’t think so in this case Edited 14/05/09 06:18 AM by exarsixturbo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZAP No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle! Lifetime Members 7,935 Member For: 21y 16d Gender: Male Location: Sydney Posted 14/05/09 06:40 AM Share Posted 14/05/09 06:40 AM I would like to know what has this girl been up to for the past 7 years. Going by her decision making skills, I bet she has done many things she regrets, but is blaming all her life's problems on the one incident. It is really easy to feel sympathy for this girl IF she has been misstreated, but to blame everything that has gone wrong in your life on one person/incident is weak and I bet untrue Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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