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the bulldogs have come to Matty's defence saying you can't beet the kiwi's without 14 players on the field

lighten up fella's be thankful it wasn't any of us stupid enough to get in that much sh*t

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Bravo Ghosti!

You only have to go to a particular club here in Canberra after the Raiders have played a home game and see all the skanks that hang off them and then go outside and blow them in the carpark - or worse...

It happens every single home game. These girls are all for it at the time and then as soon as they realise that it's a two-bit slut act and Mummy has found out or that they are never going to become a "footballers wife" because he was just in it for the poontang - they cry rape! It's ridiculous!

You read in the news how this girl was so traumatised that she contemplated suicide and life hasn't been the same since, blah, blah - rubbish! Why wait all this time to come forward then? If they did gang-rape her, call the cops 10 mins after it happened, get checked out by CSI and have them all in jail by the next morning…. Don't wait 7 years and then go to the media….

I was at a music event a couple of years back where a chick went through 6 different tents worth of guys and chopped every one of them! IN A ROW! Face it, these types of girls are out there.

Having said all that - I don't condone this kind of behaviour to woman in any way - IF it actually happened like the media is suggesting - which I doubt! I have no doubt there is heaps of occasions where the blokes are at fault and they deserve all the punishment they get! I just don't think so in this case


This is keyboard warrrior skills at its best.

First thing - If a woman of capable menatl standing and of consential age wants to suck ten fotballers off in a carpark, then that is her choice and she should be able to do so without condemnation form people like yourself. No one is asking you to marry her. I am all for woman to express there rights and desire without beiing labellled, whether or not I agree with their decisions or choices.

Side note, as a male, I would have got no where near as many errr lovings if there were not woman around like this. Most guys on here would be the same, and yet we want to label them with derogatory labels for exprerssing their sexual desire as we did. This is a very dangerous attitude and show more disrespect that the actual incident in debate in my opinion.

Secondly there was not nor has it been suggested that this was a rape, so please keep this out of the debate.

Last of all, stop watching so much American TV, Australia does not have CSI, testing for this is done in hospital by Doctors and nurses. Actually being that we follow America so closely, it would not suprise me if people call themselves that in this day and age.


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I agree with both of these posts, I for one don't condone these actions, but when women throw themselves at these guys because they have fame and money what do they expect. But when they don't like the outcome they complain and drag people through the mud, ther's a lesson to be learnt here if you dont want to end up like that dont put yourself in the situation that it can happen.

I also think rugby players are neanderthals.

x2 to everything above.... I think she is just as guilty for obviously putting herself in that situation n the 1st place... and then matty johns could have locked the door...

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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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x2 to everything above.... I think she is just as guilty for obviously putting herself in that situation n the 1st place... and then matty johns could have locked the door...

This is not the point and why so many people are annoyed about this. She was at times directing the show telling who was next and what to do, not to mention that she made commenst that no one comes into the room unless naked.

It may not have started out as a gang bang, but it ended up as one and all parties were of mature age and consenting.

Matty Johns is not guilty of any man made laws, gods law on the other hand is another story.


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I finally understand the words of the haka.For years I been wondering what COME MATTY COME MATTY meant

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From smh.com.au

Friend says 'Clare' bragged about Sharks sex romp

A former work colleague of the woman at the centre of the Cronulla Sharks sex scandal involving Matthew Johns claims her co-worker bragged about the incident.

Tania Boyd has told the Nine Network that the woman in the ABC's Four Corners report, identified as "Clare", had boasted to her workmates about bedding several players and only contacted police five days after the alleged incident.

"She was absolutely excited about the fact. She was bragging about it to the staff and quite willing, openly saying how she had sex with several players," said Boyd.

"We were quite disgusted about it. There was no trauma whatsoever.

"I'm disgusted that a woman can all of a sudden change her story from having a great time to then turning it into a terrible crime.

"One minute she was absolutely bragging about it, she did not know names. These names only came to light to us in the last day.

"We all just thought it was hilarious until five days later the police came to work and were horrified she had now changed her story to say she was now a victim of crime.

"It was definitely consensual, absolutely.

"She is saying she is still traumatised etcetera, well she wasn't for five days, or four days at least, after that affair.

"I can't work out what's happened. Does it take five days for it to sink in?"

The woman told the ABC that the night in which she had group sex with several Cronulla players at a Christchurch hotel seven years ago left her with psychological damage and led her to abandoning her studies.

Psychiatrists reported that she was suicidal, had cut her wrists several times and bought a rope to hang herself.

She told the ABC she felt degraded and traumatised by the incident and despised the players involved.

Among the allegations aired on Monday, the woman said two men rubbed their penises in her face while other men stood watching and masturbating.

Six men had sex with her while another six looked on. There was always someone touching her, she said.

"For years and years afterwards I was drinking a lot, crying a lot and losing a lot of friends and doing quite destructive things to myself and other people," she told the program.

"At the end of it, I wasn't so much drinking heaps and heaps, I was more scared to go out of the house."

She said the destructive period lasted about four or five years and she was now speaking out to let the wives and girlfriends of those involved know what they had done.

"I was so angry and I wanted their lives destroyed like mine was," she said.

"If I had a gun I'd shoot them right now.

"I hate them. They disgust me. For all that they did, I hate them so much."


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