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Top Gear Australia - Season 2


Top Gear Australia Season 2  

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Last nights episode was much better. Pizza's test of the RS6 was actually pretty good, they are starting to loosen up, although the presenting parts are still too scripted and just not funny. They are paying out on each other, which normally works well (TGUK) but you can tell its forced, where TGUK it actually comes across real, like May, Hammond and Clarkson hang out together off air and its the same as if they were on air.

Australian top gear needs some segments where the guys go away somehwere (like the caravan raod-trip TGUK) and we get to see their real off-air friendship come out on camera, then it becomes funny, then the on-air parts become natural, then they start flowing more and we will love it. Also, the road tests need to be more informative, yet still entertaining. Clarkson has nailed it, you really feel as if you have driven the car with him, like you know what he is talking about...And somehow its pure entertainment that even my no-interest-in-cars wife enjoys it.

They are getting there. I hope they stick with it. The early TGUK episodes were terrible as well, it was only when May joined them did it start to work. I reckon the guy with the mo is next to be replaced.

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Mate how canyou say they need to hang ouit together and build repoire with each other but in the last line say that the guy with the Mo will be the one to go. f*ck me lets let them do their thing for a while and let some continuity build. At least we have an Aussie car show.


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righto, calm down...

For the purpose of you getting some sleep at night I will explain. If nothing changes, the guy with the Mo will go.. he is yet to settle in like the others have. As soon as May joined TGUK, the personalities balanced and it improved dramtically. Odd one out loses. Either way, if we don't see the friendship building, the payouts and jokes won't be funny. The jokes aimed at James May are funny because we know what he is like, we know the arguments and discussions they have together, we know his personalilty away from the studio. We have no idea who these guys are (except James Morrsion somewhat) so personal jokes aren't funny.

Do you understand?

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Here it is tab.... :beerchug:

Caught this for the first time Monday night and while it aint Clarkson and the boys I didnt mind it....

Sure it's a bit try hard but they have a hell of a standard to live up to and you'd be pushing it to even try to get three personalities together in this country with the same chemistry/history/Je ne sais quoi...

The whole show seemed kinda up and down to me, there was some good points and some atrocious crap that would have been better left on the cutting room floor but over all it wasnt that bad that I wouldnt watch it again.... given that its all Oz has to offer in the way of a decent commentary on the motor industry on prime time atm...

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