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Experiences With The Police


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stupidest thing ive said 2 a cop

cop: is this your car?

me: no I stole it 10 mins ago... :D

they dont see the funny side ... this is while they pulled me up for speedin :D

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  • Member For: 17y 2m 27d
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  • Location: Blacktown

The worst one for me was I got pulled over while on my P's many years ago driving my dad's car upto Newcastle. Doing the obligatory 80 or 90kph (what ever it was back then, can't remember now) and next thing I know this HWP pulls me over, cop walks up and stands right against the car, so close I can't see his face. Conversation goes a little like this.

Cop: Do you realise that you were doing 136kph.

Me: WHAT? No, there is no way I was speeding, I was doing "whatever" kph.

Cop:No sir you were doing 136kph.

Me: There is no way I was speeding, I am only on my P's.

Etc etc, This goes on for a few minutes, him claiming , me denying.

Cop: Can I have your license please.

Hand over my license and he walks back to the car. Couple of minutes later he comes back.

Cop:What is the name of the owner of this vehicle.

Me: (Being very pi$$ed of) YOU should already know as no doubt you checked it anyway.

At this point I would like to stress that I still hadn;t seen this cops face.

Cop:Yes I did, It belongs to my uncle!

At this stage I lost it as I then realised it was my cousin Craig having recognised the car decided to have some fun. I called him EVERYTHING under the sun. And the I notice his partner in the car actually crying.


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The other one was RBT.

Cop: had anything to drink tonight

me:one drink about 2 hours ago.

normal procedure blow into machine.

cop takes the machine then

cop:um, just the 1 drink


cop:the 1 about 2 hours ago.

All the time having a strange look on his face as looks between me and the machine.

At this stage I am worried someone had been spiking my drinks.

THEN his partner comes over and says

cop 2: Comeon, you've done it 4 times already tonight, it's not funny anymore. Good night sir.

I sat there for a good 10 minutes while my heart slowed down.

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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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on my way home from work (I was about 5km from home ) I was pulled over and asked.....

Mr Policeman said: If you work at Liverpool, why are you going this way.... you don't live anywhere around here.

Me: Yes I do, I am only 10 minutes from home.

Mr Policeman calls another Mr Policeman and they start arguing about where I live. :huh:

Me: Get the street directory out............ they must have been ex-taxi drivers :lol:

An honesty test, so where you of to??? (answer) oh yeah but that's in the other direction, so probe a lil more, youve just stolen the car, the boots full of drugs and you have a warrant for your arrest. Good police work or a bunch of stupid questions??


:o How many cops are there on this site? :sleepystuff:


I think there are far more then we realise, though some are from different states of course, some are yet to leave the closet, some are wannabe's and wish they were and some just pretend to be and claim there security licence make them highly qualified.


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  • Drift Queen
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was in green head (country town in WA) for some public holiday (mind blank), commonwhore wagon, mates have a big long gravel driveway so I decide to show off, stop the car so my mate can get in dust an sh*t everywhere, drive out of the driveway normally, next thing this cop comes flyin up behind me sirens and all 1st thought FUKKKKKKKK im gone I was on my p's at the time.

Cop gets out, 'wat was theat stupid thing you did back there?'

Me: Wat that thing in the driveway

Cop: yes you no what you did, you have 3 choices, I can impound your car for 48hrs (another bullsh*t law, ill just go get someone elses car), give you a $100 fine, or a yellow sticker.

Me: as soon as he said yellow sticker that was it, I said this car has nothing wrong with it you cant give me a yellow sticker

Cop: makes me lift the bonnet, checks the exhaust, checks rims, ends up searching my whole car and found nothing wrong with it

Me: ill take the $100 fine thanks, thinking better of it to argue again

Cop: I take it your a surfer

didnt say this but would have liked to "no ive just got 3 boards in the back and wetsuits and wax for no reason" DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Question: If your on private property you can do a burnout (not technically, was just gravel) and do cops have to wear a yellow vest if they are standing on the road side?

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nah they dont have to wear a vest... only a hat if it is day time, if they dont have a hat they they cannot book you :) its apart of there uniform...

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I'd be surprised if they can book you whilst on private property. But that said, if a mm of your car went onto public roads you'd be a goner...

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Although it is not specifically illeagal to go around a roundabout at the speed limit it is not pudent. If you were to need to brake in an emergency, your car would most likely act more violantly than if you were going in a straight line. I once stopped a gentleman in his mx5, he went around a 90 degree corner at 70 km/hr which was the posted speed limit. When I spoke with him he said, that it was a sportscar and that he dosn't speed, he just dosn't slow down. I thought that yes it's not an offence specifically if it was we would need to carry around a dictionary of offences. But the fact that a reasonable and prudent person wouldn't drive in such a manner made me thick that he was acting negligently. I then promptly issued him a ticket for negligent driving and told him that he should slow down from now on. Up until this stage he had argued with me all the way but when I told him that he could elect to go to court he said he didn't fight the police, I wish that was true for all of them. To add to that all roads have a level of maximum grip at any particular time and a maximum speed if you exceed that speed the rear wheels will overtake the front wheels and the vehicle will yaw out of control and you will not be able to gain control until speed is reduced this will not give you any time to react on a roundabout. It is fun to drive our cars but not when it impacts on other road users. This is not supposed to be a downer just a heads up, if you drive your car like you stole it you have to expect to contribute to government involuntarily. :spoton:

hmmmm a question is that ilegal due to I slide all the time no smoke etc just weight shifting/ compression lock with no throttle well not to much

IM ANTI commodore / power steer / over steer its ghey

but back on topic dumbest thing a cop has told me is we are looking for hoons now u dont seem like a idot and your car looks quite clean and straight , this was in the C210

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