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  • loitering with intent
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Members and guests et al , the time has come again to help the site out so that we can continue our daily pilgrimage to view and discuss all things T, blue oval , and of course enjoy the fellowship.

I for one have the need for a loan from Macks medicine chest to see me through when the site is down. noooooooooooooooooo

Can I suggest that all of you who frequent this site and benefit from all the information and enjoyment provided , open your wallets and make a donation.

Please refer Chris's link below for those who may not have read it already.

I need not remind you that the site is totally reliant on sponsors and members to not only keep going , but to get various upgrades up and running eg the tuning pit and the photo gallery from which we will all benefit.

Put me down for $50. Who is next and lets not just leave it to those who always donate when things are tough.

Cheers WhiteTee :k24t:


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Just jumped on board with a small donation and hope it helps. Got more than my monies worth already with the helpful advice and other info available on here - all as I'm missing now is the car (due at the end of the month) Everyone should throw in a couple of bucks for this great site to keep growing. If ya don't ya need b**ch slappin' :rockon:

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I put $50 through on saturday. that's 100 in 2 months. Come on guys lets get it on the go. We all like and benifit from this place.

There are quite a few of you that are very active in the post and dont donate time for these guys to dig deep :rockon:


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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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I suppose I would be one of these "Very Active Members"? Yes I really enjoy the site and more than anything would like to donate to help the site along but the shop has been horrible lately.

Last week I took $50, all week. My rent is $130 and fuel is $50-70 a week. I have invested all I have in the business and I am barely keep afloat as it is. I, quite literally can't afford a cup of coffee down the street at the moment, as soon as circumstances change I will chip in, but please, until then don't dismiss everyone as freeloaders or tightarses.

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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I suppose I would be one of these "Very Active Members"? Yes I really enjoy the site and more than anything would like to donate to help the site along but the shop has been horrible lately.

Last week I took $50, all week. My rent is $130 and fuel is $50-70 a week. I have invested all I have in the business and I am barely keep afloat as it is. I, quite literally can't afford a cup of coffee down the street at the moment, as soon as circumstances change I will chip in, but please, until then don't dismiss everyone as freeloaders or tightarses.

It would be an insensitive and harsh bas*ard that didn't feel for your situation my friend.

Do what you can, when you can mate ... no-one will (or should :nuts2:) think any less of you. :unsure:


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As long as funds are ok for this weekend I'll pitch in 20 or 30 for ya's. I know it's not a lot but every bit helps right?

Currently WECEL internet services (My internet hosting company, soon to be dank.net.au Digital Arial Network Komunications) is going on a large scale diversification pending funding from the government. I dont mean a few grands worth but I'm looking to secure about half a million to offer Wireless Internet and Hosting services to wagga and surrounding districts. If all goes well and I get this thing off the ground in about 3 months I'd be happy to host this site at a greatly reduced price, if not for free. Chris if your there or abouts would this sort of thing be of any help?

And before any discounting of what I do goes on, let me say I'm deadly serious.


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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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Great offer DankMan. :unsure:

Now that's what I call "Community" ... :ta:

Just gotta luv these Team HgAg members, eh? :nuts2:


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Ken, time to open your cave as well. I will donate as well. The posters are payers and of course Team HgAg will contribute.

Ken we may have to sell some of the Breitlings we have for new members to cover costs!


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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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Ken, time to open your cave as well. I will donate as well. The posters are payers and of course Team HgAg will contribute.

Ken we may have to sell some of the Breitlings we have for new members to cover costs!



Check the donations over the last 9 months (or so). I've contributed twice to the value of $100. I've also purchased merchandise.

I figure that $100/yr + merchandise is reasonable.

I love this site like life itself, but I'd like to see two things happen:

1. Regular, non-donating members chip in

2. This site to be run more like a business to avoid regular "crisis" posts.

I appreciate the problems we're having, but I just can't keep donating every month, sorry.


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