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Spark Plugs


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  • Member For: 15y 11m 24d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: nowra

hi all

what are the best spark plugs to get for my ba xr6t and if anyone knows how much coin thay will be

and if anyone has got step by step info on how to change them over iam guessing there under the black plastic part on top of the rocket cover is this where thay are

thanks heaps


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  • Member For: 19y 4m 10d

If you're car has been tuned... consensus here is to ensure the spark gap is set at about .8mm. and to save some money, purchase Ford Genuine spark plugs for a BF Typhoon as they are gapped at .9mm from factory. Just ensure they are then gapped to .8mm before putting them into your car....

Replace at around 40,000- 50,000 and you can't go wrong!

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  • Member For: 17y 5m 18d
  • Location: Richmond, Melbourne

Man, I wish my car was fast enough to have a rocket cover ;)

You will need NGK 0.8mm gapped plugs. The part number is: BKR6EIX

They are pricey, but see if you can get them at trade. Retail is like $23-25 a plug, whereas trade is $13-16.

They can be left in the engine for a while without any hassles, as long as the engine is tuned right. I would change them every 25,000-35,000km's to be safe and keep the engine running well.

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  • Member For: 16y 1m 24d

would just go the bcpr6es .8 iridiums are that overated its not funny... when we tried to tune my 180 it would only push 16 psi before it started misfiring really bad. so we chucked a set of the above in and it loved 22psi just had to change them every couple of months but for 12 bucks instead of 80 who cares

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