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Ticking Sound


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  • Member For: 16y 9m 22d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: East Suburbs Melbourne

Hi all, I have a stock BF turbo Auto and I have noticed that when the engine is cold or bloody cold outside I.e mornings usually I will notice a faint ticking sound coming from the right hand side of the engine bay when I put the car under load from 3000-3500rpm.

The ticking only happens under load and stops about 4000rpm.

The car is completely stock, I only run 98 octane fuel most of the time BP ultimate so I doubt its pinging. I dont really notice any power loss but it just sound odd and im wondering is it possible to have the heat shield rattle? or could it be the wastegate opening and closing rapidly? Ive done numerous solenoid lubes.

It stops when the engine has been warmed up properly :innocent:

BTW it only happens when under load it doesnt do it when reeving in neutral or park.

Any suggestions? Cheers

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 9m 22d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: East Suburbs Melbourne

That would make a fair bit of sense as when I start the car the exhaust from the front of the car seems somewhat loud but gets quieter as it gets warmer.

Would it be a simple task of tightening the flanges?

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 22d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: East Suburbs Melbourne
most ppl wouldnt rev there car past 3000rpm when its still cold mate, I know I dont till its at normal operating temp

Agreed, I have to drive to work at 6:45 every morning and I never rev the engine past 3 grand until its at least past the quarter temp line.

Thanks for you help ill have to get it looked at next time im at fraud

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  • 4 months later...
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  • Member For: 16y 10m 13d
  • Gender: Male

It sounds like I have the same problem, put my car in for a service because of this and the noise is still there. I undid the exhaust manifold bolts and retightened them and that did not fix it. any other ideas? or know of somewhere I can take my car around brissy to have a look at it?


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