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Shaking Vibration! Argggg Help Pls...


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I havent done one a ba/bf before but it couldnt be much different. its not to hard if you know your way around the motor, all you really need to do is undo everything like hoses and wires, unbolt the mounts and jack the motor up with a trollyjack (put a piece of timber between the sump and jack). it only has to come up a few inches. if you dont know where they are id stop now and take it to a mechanic, you could do more damage if its no done right :thumbsup:

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  • 1 year later...
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hey all, this week I had a few things put into the t, including...

-fuel pump

-valve springs

-42lb boshies

-and a cooler, and pipping

the power gain is awesome, I didn't hit peak due to a shagged stando cat, but I'm not fussed about that as its an easy fix, the thing that concerns me is..... after the tune, when the car is in drive and at a standstill for example at a red light the car shakes like a NASA air shuttle, if I chuck it in N the shaking ceases but if I put it into reverse it starts to shake again.while I'm driving it doesn't seem to be there. I have no idea what it is, the tuner reckons that it could be mu exhaust hitting something but its to vigorous for that.

has any one had this problem after tuning there T, ant thing will hep thanks guys.

regards adrian

I can tell you that fords Barra engine can have bad idleing problems if the wrong oil is used, I have come across quite a few that have the variable cam timing ball seized up du to the wrong or to thick an oil used. fortunately it is an easy fix, just remove the rocker cover and the plate at the front of the cam, you will find a ball bearing inside just clean it all up with carby cleaner and replace.

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I'm another to vouch for engine mount/s with this issue.

Passenger side engine mount is easy to replace with plenty of access.

Whereas the turbo side engine mount is a PITA as everything is in the way.

If the engine mount/s is/are to be replaced, try and get original Ford ones with the straps.

I bought some cheap solid mounts and they are downright terrible! The car is vibrating as bad as it was with shagged Ford engine mounts.

The original Ford ones are actually oil filled to help dampen the vibrations.

I managed to get some original's on eBay for around $55 each.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I have a similar problem but mines NA. First happened fresh after a :icon_ford: service. took it for a wash..turned it on..2 seconds later the revs dropped and whole car started shuddering like the engine was about to die so I just turned it off. Ever since, every 10th start or so, it doesnt start up properly. you turn the key and it sort of struggles for a bit, revs drop, car shakes and you can hear some popping in the exhaust.

Been told by a guy at work he once had the same problem in this t and all it needed was some head/carbon cleaner which apparently you spray into the TB. Im gona give it a shot this week hopefully.

But the whole thing where it only happens when you put it into D or R sounds like ANOTHER :buttrock: one of my problems :). This is one is entirely my fault lol. Put in the custom DIY intake of the ford forums but the way it ended up it sits a bit high. So when you close the bonnet it touches it (but not the engine). Then when you put it into D the whole engine moves up (as it does in every auto car I believe due to the load and brakes being pressed) and just touches the intake and so it rattles against the engine and bonnet. As soon as I stop pressing the brakes and drive off it stops.

Cant remember what the mods were you said you did but is there something you added in that's sticking up too high our of the engine bay? Then again your vibrations sound alot more violent if its shaking the whole car so it must be something big (ie the engine lol) so maybe it could be the mounts as people have said.

Either way good luck wiht it!

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