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I would agree, Beyond Blue has truckloads of information for anyone affected beit themselves, family or friends. I sought help from my GP because my ex-girlfriend (when I was involved with her) suffers from depression so I can attest to how nasty it can be when not taken seriously. One thing to note though is that despite your best intentions to help someone, it is quite possible that they do not want help. It's the whole, "You can lead a horse to water" concept. Somewhere deep inside they want to get better but do not know how which makes them not want the help that you or others may be offering. Some are quite adept at hiding the symptoms as well.

Sorry to hear about your mate Maximus.

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Can I just say something here....I had a friend on the phone to me saying she was going to off herself.....and I gave her numbers to call....I ended up ringing it myself..to my suprise I couldnt get through to either of them, with one of them having a 24 hr waiting line.

So even if u needed help...u couldnt get through, where is the LOGIC in that.

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  • Member For: 16y 27d
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Something I'm not so proud of is letting the things that have happened in my family get to me.

I've found that the best way to get over it is just to do somethign you love. For me, it's music and my car, the sound of my car purring along can lift spirits at any time. And just a great metal track can put me in a better mood.

Also, anti depressants are an easy fix, but it's not often that a GP will just throw them at a person to deal with things, I'd reccomend that if anyone was in this position, to see a counsellor as well.

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