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Paint Damage On Roof


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  • Member For: 15y 11m 13d

After not getting far with the sales person whom I bought the car from, I was advised to speak to the dealer principle. Called them yesterday but he was out so I left a message. Got a call back this morning from the dealer principle, explained what was wrong and he told me to bring it in, so they could have a look at it. Anyway manager agreed pretty much straight up that the damage was unacceptable and got the service manager to fix it up for me. Got to call him tomorrow to get the details of where I have to take it, as the 1st panel beater I was refered to doesn't do roofs. Turns out (as my car is an ex-chaser, country one at that :P) that the hole where the lights sit on the roof was patched up very badly. Anyway all is good at the moment, just need to get it booked in and I'm all sweet. Very impressed with the dealer and the service manager and how willing they were to help!!!

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  • Member For: 15y 11m 13d

I knew it was an ex-police car, however there was no sign of damage or deterioration at the time of inspection or even after I had hand washed it for the first time. Seems as if it was a highway patrol car and not an unmarked.

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