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Paint Damage On Roof


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  • Member For: 15y 11m 16d

Today I decided to give my car a bit of a wash/wipe down with plain ol' water, no soaps, no detergents, just water. Anyway got around to the left hand side of the car and thought I had missed a spot only to notice a big dirty crack in the paintwork with an indentation roughly the size of a 20c coin!!!! :freak:

I've only had my car roughly 4 weeks, bought it from a Ford dealer and had them put on the paint protection pack and was told that all the paint work had been fixed up prior to this being done. Also it was a condition of sale that the paint work was touched up.

Anyway picture time.




I appreciate any advice offered :crybaby:

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  • Member For: 15y 11m 16d

Was taken late arvo with no flash, that's why it looks so dark. Yeh gonna have to call them up tomorrow, anything I should say in particular? Looks as if someone tried to hammer a golf ball into the roof and all they did to fix it was fill it with paint or something lol

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  • Member For: 15y 11m 16d

Rang the dealership and spoke to the salesperson who sold the car and they pretty much said too bad. Told them it looks like some1 tried to patch a dent up in the roof with filler and they said they would never do anything like that and it must have been a dodgy repair job by the previous owner.

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 1d
  • Location: townsville
Rang the dealership and spoke to the salesperson who sold the car and they pretty much said too bad. Told them it looks like some1 tried to patch a dent up in the roof with filler and they said they would never do anything like that and it must have been a dodgy repair job by the previous owner.

Also it was a condition of sale that the paint work was touched up.

there fore it was like it when you got it they need to fix it ???

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  • Member For: 15y 11m 16d

Thing is it didnt appear until I washed the car. Went round the car a few times and swapped sides to wash the roof a few times and didnt notice it until I was drying around where it was. It wasnt there when I started but was when I finished.

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