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House Broken Into


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..its the sentimental stuff that hurts the most :cry:

too right, lost some pretty good coins and a solid silver fob watch from my Grandad before he died.( lived in the UK)

Couldn't prove to the insurance company I owned them. Replacement value nil,to me priceless :shakefist:

As a word advise, make sure you have proof of ownership of everything, photos,receipts, disks backed up , basically a full and documented inventory with a back up at another location of the lot.

You do have to prove your innocence beyond any, not just reasonable doubt, farking disgraceful.IMO.

The worst beauracratic experiences of my life and it lasted over 6 months and it still cost me . Kents.

I spent literally weeks and weeks trying to justify my claim. mostly to no avail.

Got a few by the areswipes because they pissed me off.Still out of pocket though

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sorry to hear Pat, fkn low life scum , it would great to catch up with these fukers would luv to bury them waist deep and stone the scum and break each finger one by one ! and that would be letting them off easy !

Hope someone out there comes across some of the stuff at least... what suburb do you live in Pat that would be a start so people can look out for your stuff !

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we were robbed a few years ago and fortunatly for us the only things that were taken were either listed on our insurance policy or we still had receipts for waranty purposes (ipods dvd player that sort of stuff) It is a surreal feeling knowing that somebody has gone into your house when you are not home.. and in your case I take it you were at home (being 3am) when the pricks came in and that must be an even stranger feeling!

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Man, sorry to hear Pat.

I'd like say I hope you catch them, but then you might be up for assault/murder.

I do hope you get the sentimental things back though.

Maybe check the local pawn shops, it's a long shot.

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Dam man, sorry to hear this one.

Have had it happen a few times over the past 10 yrs, and not insured one of the times - had heaps of AV and IT gear walked out the back door!

If there is anything I can help with, just let me know mate, even if you need something temp while the insurance is sorted and stuff - just shoot me a PM...

Make sure you look on ebay over the coming few weeks/month or two, and check out the market (if there is one in your area) and local cash converters or whatever they are now called...

You might be lucky - if the cops have any ideas of recent activity in your area... (maybe with a little luck)!

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just had a thought (sorry Pat as it won't help you this time, but maybe for the future ones)

Trace Technologies run (apparently) by two ex-FBI agents that can install software on your PC/lappy and if it gets nicked they can trace whenever it connects to the net, even after formatting etc.

might be worth checking out for the next one.

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