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  • Member For: 14y 9m 8d
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Yup, I found the SV6's ride to soft, was pretty unresponsive through the steering wheel, the feeling between the clutch and gearbox was not quite right and was unimpressed by the v6 engine. All in all it reminded me of my Dad's old VT sedan ... Looked great on the outside, and very boring on the inside. Very uninspired especially given that where you are going to be spending your time with the vehicle.

The XR6 felt firmer on the road, as responsive through the wheel as my XR5, only you could feel the obvious weight difference between them. Clutch and gearbox felt better and the i6 was smoother and felt like it enjoyed being driven harder than the v6. Interior was a hell of alot nicer, and the seats held you better than in the SV6. Not as good as the Recaro's in the XR5 though unfortunately.

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Hey there guys. It is great to see more and more people on this forum from Tas. As F6T said, we should all get together for a meet and greet or maybe a cruise down the east coast. If you are ineterested please feel free to Pm me and I will see if we can get a few of us and go for a cruise.

Regards Stoney.

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Howdy boys. Took the Phoon up to Symmons Plains last weekend. Here is a little video we made up of the day. Hope you enjoy it!

You'll even see the F6 spew flames out the exhaust if you look closely enough!!

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  • All round good guy!
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Hey Guys. Been playing a few days away later in the year and have talked the other half into pissbly chucking the T on the boat and coming down your way and doing the Strahan/Queenstown to Hobart run along the Lyell. Has anyone done it and if so, is it as good as I have read??


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  • Cruise Whore
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ha ha ha great vid guys :surrenderwave:

Love the roads in Tassie. Don't mean to be exploitive, but TUFXR6T and I were considering doing a combined States 3-4 day cruise down there at one stage taking in weekend. But Rudiger, gotta be careful this time of year approaching winter. I can't speak first-hand but I heard that last time the forum ran a combined States cruise down there about Sep-Oct sometime ago I think, the wet weather made the roads really slippery and to be honest - they said not much fun.

Well, we have the combined States Snowies Cruise Nov 19-21, 2010 (details will be posted up soon) - maybe we ought to schedule in combined States 3-4 day cruise around Tassie one day?

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  • All round good guy!
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Thanks for the heads up Gary. I'll put it off until better time of year.

I actually just sent a message about the snowys cruise. I am soooooo looking forward to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I've been workin in Tassie for the past week, back in Melb now but headdin back on Sunday.. Im staying in Scottsdale and OMG what a boring place to be, im in my mid 20's and there is absolutly nuthing to do.. But the scenery driving from Devenport to Scottsdale, Scottsdale to Launceston was friggin awsome, nothin like that in Melb..

Anyway, went to Launceston and that was a bit better... Saw a nice white FGT ute, had rims I think, not much of a car scene, just a few p platers puttin along..

Im wanting to head to Hobart soon for a look see.. any of you guys recommend things to do? Im in a work van, so scenic routes are worthless hehe

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Cruise Whore
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Thinking of organising an All States cruise in early March 2011 to Tassie to cover some of the Targa route that is on sealed roads. Planning to make it a minimum 4 day affair - Tue night ship our cars down to Devonport - Wed to Fri driving your magnificent roads - Sat night ship our cars back to the Melbourne. What do you guys think about that? Would like to end up in Hobart on Fri night so Sat the guys can do Salamanca market Sat morning before driving the 3 hours back to Devonport to catch the boat back. Or if they come over with their GFs, wives, family - they can make it a Sat/Sun weekend in Tassie to finish off their visit.

Any suggestions please on what roads we could fit in easily in 3 days that would be nice - not necessarily Tassie Targa roads at this stage. Would have to take into consideration we'd need accomodation for maybe 10 or so cars and their passengers so start and finish times for each day need to be near civilisation :roflmbo: (Don't get me wrong - really love your ruggard terrain over there - really do :finger: )


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