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Fpv Xr6t


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I think it would be reasonable to assume a turbo version in the FPV range will happen. The criteria, they now hold is to have an advantage over the donor car in all aspects, so one would also assume that at least 260kw would be on the table.

As for the badges, yes the GT does have them. As for getting upset over them, not worth it. But it will be a disappointment to some. At the end of the day the product we drive is the most important thing.

When people talk about the SS being Expensive Daewoo and the XR now being Ford cars, that is fine. HSV don't touch the SS in anyway shape or form, the same is not true for the XR.

Mr Walker. I can't see why anyone would hate you for voicing an opinion. I disagree that with the fact that FPV has worked on your car means nothing. It should add something to your car. FPV are the official tuning arm of Ford here in Aust. In most situations that is something to be proud of and display. For those owners that know the process I assume they will still be talking up the FPV work. I can't see a problem with that. As for the dickheads putting HSV stickers on their Holdens, how many people put the FPV sticker on their XRs when they were sent out to us?

If the GT is a production run, it isn't exclusive. You can't have exclusivity unless the numbers are capped, and the new GT isn't. They might be rare and few in numbers but that isn't the same thing

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l personally couldnt care less on the lack of FPV badges, l like the clean look and agree with you Mr Walker on peoples perception of owners who add these badges themselves. But we are all different.

If FPV do a version of the T6 l would be expecting a lot more than 260kw, geez they would hardly have to lay a spanner on it to get that. l would expect at least 300kw :P

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A FPV turbo will be the entry model Falcon so don't expect and more power than the GT in any model year.

You can't seriously be suggesting that the old wings or for that matter the molded FPv logo in the side protection modeling isn't clean. Have a real close look at the front strip. that's what we are talking about

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Less is more, l could do without the FPV badges.

If you want them, stick 'em on.

Yep, l agree it would be a big ask for Ford to bring out a 6 with more power than the GT, but if the aftermarket for the XR6T creates a strong following then maybe FPV will sit up and take notice. It may become a niche they could fill profitably in the future.

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Yeah I can’t see the factory ever ousting the 8 from king of the hill. That will lie in the hands of aftermarket for sure. The new V8 is costing a fortune. Argue able the turbo you have has already paid a price of having the V8 above it.

I don't see it as being any worse than the guy who put Tickford wings on his Fairmont equipped with body kit and suspension or the person that orders the XR wheels with the Tickford wheel centre. The whole situation is a bit of a joke. Won't be long before Ford people follow Holdens lead and start to claim the FPV product is purely wank factor :unsure:

The whole Rice/ HSV sticker line of thought is just BS. I agree also with this perception you talk of, but the moulding either side at indicator level is hardly the same thing as the sticker is it? You own the car, you do with it what you will. Its not there to please anyone else. Each to his own. The only difference with this argument is that there is a justifiable fact that can be quantified. Put it another way. You wouldn't be removing the badge had it been there or the blue oval and XR6 badges would you!

This really needs another thread. What I have talked about is not so much what people do now rather than what should have happened and the reasons for the change.

You say you could live without them and less is more, well you have no choice. You either add them as some owners have indicated or you leave them the way there are. It still doesn't change the fact that the cars were developed in the way the XR has always been developed.

To change this on what I see as a questionable marketing strategy or to say that the competition in the Expensive Daewoo S and SS does without HSV input, so therefore we should too, makes no sense to me.

That is like saying Ford should have dropped there engineering standard to Holden’s level :unsure:

I know at the roll out our club attended, the question was asked, "why should we follow Holden’s marketing direction when the last generation of SS owners have been looking on with envy at the relationship the humble XR owner has with Tickford"

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l can see your point re the relationship between the XR's and FPV vs the SS and HSV.

Expensive Daewoo choose to do all there own engineering on the SS and seem be to lessening the gap between an SS and Clubsport with every model to the point now where the difference between the two is small and hence the HSV thing may be perceievd as being a bit wanky. Expensive Daewoo are doing a great job on the SS, and perhaps HSV arent doing enough with the cars apart from developing more and more ugly body kits for them. The standard HSV engine consists of a few bolt ons and the GTS engine comes out of a crate from the states so they arent developing engines to anywhere near the level FPV are.

Ford choose to contract out a lot of the development work on the XR's to FPV instead of doing it themselves. Whether this is a better approach or not is up for debate, but no doubt it is largely cost driven. Expensive Daewoo are constantly raising the bar with the SS which puts more pressure on HSV to do better, which if you believe what the car mags say they arent. Apparently Expensive Daewoo arent too happy with HSV at present, even though they are moving plenty of cars.

The Expensive Daewoo approach means there are two seperate arms (themselves and HSV) working on improving the sports models developing in-house competition; wth Ford there is only FPV and l guess they are trying to create two divisions by witholding the FPV bages from the XR cars.

l wonder if Ford did the XR6T themselves whether the chance of an FPV version would be increased??

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l wonder if Ford did the XR6T themselves whether the chance of an FPV version would be increased??

I reckon it is a cert anyway, at least I hope it is. Building (so called) two turbo cars, badging one as FPV and one Xr might influence the speed at which we see it happening. I don't know if FPV are going to continue on with the XR developments other than a statement saying they are always going to be building the XR8 engine. If the XR truly passes onto Ford, then I would think the chance and the speed would increase dramatically. You have a look around some of your cars and there aren't too many that are the basic unit, most have options. I guess the trick will be to position it above the XR8 in power and below the price of the GT. Any thoughts?

I am sure that FPV have been quoted as saying the next model has been decided and it isn't a V8. So that can only mean either a focus or a turbo Falcon.

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I guess the trick will be to position it above the XR8 in power and below the price of the GT. Any thoughts?

I am sure that FPV have been quoted as saying the next model has been decided and it isn't a V8. So that can only mean either a focus or a turbo Falcon.

l think l am probably in the minority here when l say l would gladly pay above the cost of a GT for a turbo 6 that had been thouroughly worked over along with the rest of the car. 300kw, Brembo's etc. But l agree it would have to be priced below the GT to sell. l keep thinking of the BMW M3, its a hot 6 based on the 3 series that sells for around the same as a 5 series V8, so there is a market for a totally worked over 6 if packaged correctly for the market.

l would much rather a hot 6 than an 8, especially one like that in the GT which probably relies on a fairly wild cam to produce its power and so probably isnt the last word in refinement. Imagine the T6 with a couple of psi extra boost, huge intercooler, free flowing exhaust. 300kw would be a walk in the park for FPV and the levels of smoothness and refinement would probably be near identical to the current car.

We previously had a series 1 TS50 and when l heard about a 240kw Turbo 6 that was it, l knew l wanted one. A 300kw FPV GT6 would e our next car no question.....if it existed ;)

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I don't think you are in the minority, well at least not on this site. I have said what I have because I just don't think Ford want to send out that message. Part of the problem they are in is being blamed on the dropping of the V8 and motor sport. I don't know if that is the real reason but, and here we go with perception again, guess what Expensive Daewoo and the rest of the world will head line!

I see no real reason why a turbo six couldn’t be up there with the GT. You are spot on about the refinement of the 6 and as you say couple more PSI and so on should be money for jam.

I think you are going to be in for a shock with the GT refinement from what I hear, but time will tell

There are some great six-cylinder cars out there. I got to drive the Targa pace car last year, a AMGC32. One of the highlights of the year I can tell you, but even a car like the M3 is still the entry level of the M division. Same for the C32. In the AMG range it is the baby.

In our case, the FPV turbo would be above and beyond the XR8, which would be the equal of your comparison with a 5series. I saw a suggestion that the GTHO should be a turbo six somewhere.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe FPV will make a car on equal footing to the GT. I suspect the 30 kw jump will be maintained and you are looking at 270kws with god knows what extra technology for starters. I am not sure a FPV turbo with 300kws would even upset GT owners for that matter. Wouldn't bother me, I just think it would be a ballsy call to make.

Why are we the only two talking about this great idea anyway?

Off topic again, and if you don't mind me asking, what sort of deal did the T series give you?

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I know i for one would be interested in an FPV Turbo 6 if they do decide to make one. I think exclusivity of this model is what will make it rare, and really special like the GT. (Not that the current XR6 Turbo isnt special) its not a rare PC and limited by production numbers.

I would really love to know the rough specs of the FPVT if they are going to make one...

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