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The Build Has Begun


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Lets celebrate with multiple donations ;)

This is uncharted territory for me boys. So when you don't have the experience or knowledge, you make mistakes which cost time and money but from which you learn. As a start, I'm putting 50 odd grand into this build and it will require more to get it to the next level. I am not made of money so 50k represents a good chunk of my life savings and so I'm holding the reins tightly. Add to that the hours of time individuals and businesses have given and it's a very expensive exercise.

I've also raised the bar, so to speak, a couple of times and have upgraded components which means going back and forth between machine shop, head shop, engine builder, fabricators etc. It's a learning curve. I am very confident the wait will be worth it for all who've put their time, money, knowledge and product into this build.

Me and my team are in this for the long-haul and we are all excited about the potential results. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who is on board project EXRSIK :) You know who you are but when we get some results on the board, so will everybody else.


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  • Member For: 17y 6m 22d
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  • Location: Broady, Melbourne

Yes Trav. It's actually rated to 1350RWHP (US RWHP). I'd say the rating is based on a 5+ litre V8.

From what I understand and what others who know what the turbo is capable of have told me, it is capable of well over 700rwkw on a 4 litre. It's going to come down to the surrounding components as to what we can actually push it to.

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You guys are f*ckin mad spending that kind of cash on a Ford lol... My build has cost me around 10k and I feel sick about when I think of it haha..

You can say its all relative but in the end you need to have an undying passion for cars to want to spend 50k on a motor when, if written off, the thing will be worth maybe 20... I do have this passion but I guess I dont feel my little Falcon Ute will benefit from it as much as maybe a nice big euro... Like an M3 perhaps lol

Cars are stupid money pits.. I sit back sometimes and think how much better off I would be in the real world if I just didnt care about them. But everytime I try to get out, they puuuuuuull me back in.. Sold my BA swearing I was over it, within 12 months I had bought and sold a VE Bogan special and bought an FG and modded it.

Its good to see no matter how much pressure the fuzz puts on us we are still willing to say F U, if we want to build a totally stupid street car we will.. and nothing is going to stop us..

Keep going mate!!

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  • Member For: 17y 6m 22d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Broady, Melbourne

Yeah I am slightly nuts. But 50k is not just motor. A little on driveline as well :) 50k should see me to the first 3 goals, but longevity of drivEline might be an issue.

745rwkw is a reach. Through the knowledge and experience of others, there are a couple of things that will be holding power back. I think we will well into the 600's, but some more will probably need to be spent to get that fuel burning nicely as we get towards 700. And then of course, it all needs to stay together. Haha thanks for the offer Trav! So should I start sending invoices to you ;)

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