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The Build Has Begun


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Couple of discussions going on at the moment Spiko but most businesses are still closed at this time. Had a chat today with Geoff from Snort about making an intake for the beast. The turbo has a 5.5 inlet and Geoff's idea is to use 6 inch pipe over a silicon sleeve. Sounds like a plan but that's a huge piece of pipe! Also discussed routing hot side piping for the job.

Chatted with Frank from Headspec yesterday about the lifters, cam, vernier gears (getting rid of the VCT) and valves. The custom solids need some further tweaking to make them work, cam grind will most likely be an Atomic spec as wel as vernier gears to get rid of the VCT. Valves just need to be cut once we get the cam and the head will just about be ready.

Once my engine builder/tuner opens up again, the block has to go back for machining for the billet main caps.

Once Dellow re-opens, I'll get the bellhousing shipped so we'll probably start the trans conversion in the next 3 or 4 weeks.

Getting there mate. The new year will be a good opportunity to get right into it and hopefully see the motor in the car by end of March and with serious tuning starting a couple of weeks after that. I'm guessing I'll put 1000km on the clock fairly quickly. Can't wait!

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So far, so smooth Trav. But there's every chance that March will turn into May. You can't rush a good thing - that's what I keep telling myself :)

I am seriously hanging to see how this thing tunes up. 35psi is a number I have in my head as far as max boost. But if all looks well as we push, we'll go beyond that. Hopefully we don't make an unintentional dry-sump system in the process.

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I think the vanilla 380 is rated to about 40psi. With the upgraded wheel, 360 degree thrust bearing and race cover, we can push a lot higher so 50psi wouldn't be out of the question for this turbo. It's rated to 1350rwhp (yank rwhp) so probably 1200rwhp on Aussie dyno's. That would be with the 1.32 A/R wheel. I've initially opted for a 1.0 A/R. If it's a bit small, a 1.1 A/R is next. Anyway, in it's current configuration, I don't see it couldn't make 1250 crank hp on the Barra.

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  • Member For: 17y 6m 22d
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  • Location: Broady, Melbourne

Tell me about it mannnnnnn. Why do people and businesses have holidays? Don't they know I have a project to complete?

All good Spiko. Next couple of weeks should see some positive movement.

And on a side note, anyone in VIC interested in perhaps coming along and filming some of the build/tuning etc? HD would be nice too :) It's worth a beer and a burger or two!

Edited by straughsberry
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