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  turbotrana said:
I am thinking going the duel injector route with the smallest injector on the primary. I have changed injectors just to see the difference in idle/drivability and economy of small EV6 injector that has great atomisation versus 550cc lucas and its like night and day.

Also now there are high flowing EV14 high atomising injectors available that I am also considering checking out.

Yeah mate those EV14's are 6 orifice and are meant to have excellent atomisation. I think there's a 75lb'er that's milled after market and taken to 95lb. With 4 bar static, it will flow to nearly 110lb and should give good idle and economy. At this point, it looks like it will be the injector I'll use and see how far it goes. I've read you can safely run these at 95% duty and still have linearity. We'll see...

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Keeping in line with my idea of a daily driver, I've got the ball rolling for an alternative 4 speed trans and it looks very likely we will be able to mate a GM 4L65E to the Barra. Being a US trans, there's heaps of aftermarket parts available to make the 4L65E handle 800+ hp. This will be an excellent alternative to the C series or Powerglide most people are upgrading to except you'll have 4 gears with an overdrive.

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Ah good idea mate... I looked into this trans for the BA and its a great option, the yanks use them alot and can be built very strong... and OD!

Apparently they dont suck as much power either.

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Yeah Chris you gotta love the yanks for that. There's not too much you can't get. If the BTR was offered in a yank car, you could bet your houses that they'd have a heap of good gear for them.

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Anything new Straughsberry?

I check this page everyday religiously, hoping that there will be new photo's or gen.... hehe

Cheers and good luck,


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Hey mate. Yeah, a couple of new things happening. Because there's a few things we're doing differently it means more calls, more research, more time and mucking around. So in the last 2 weeks I've ordered injectors, got the ball rolling on the 4L60E conversion, getting the head flowed this week and will be sending the turbo off to get manifold and dump pipe made by Snort in the next couple of days.

I went with milled Bosch EV14's which flow 95lb @ 43.5psi. These should make the 1000hp. They are a high impedance, 6 orifice injector. They should have near factory idle and economy while at the same time making big numbers. We will have to wait and see.

The bell housing is coming along and it looks positive. By that I mean it looks it can be made at a reasonable enough price. Still not 100% though but I'll know more next week.

As I haven't found any flow figures and am not sure on what other people have done to the head for 1000+hp, we are flowing it to be as sure as possible.

The turbo will be sent away in the next couple of days to get manifold and dump made. Pics to come when this is done. I also plan to black HPC the turbo manifold, turbine housing and dump.

Machining of the motor should begin next week with assembly starting in 3 weeks or so.

Edited by straughsberry
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