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The Build Has Begun


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So I've been talking the talk about 500+rwkw for a while now. I'm glad to say the ball is finally rolling and the block is being prepped as we speak. I hope to have the engine in my car within 2 months. The build is being done out of a new premises in the Victorian northern burbs by an old mate. The hardware will be capable of well over 600rwkw but the initial aim is 500+rwkw on the dyno and an "easy" 10 in street trim then we'll go from there. A 9 is on the cards given funding and a lack of sensibility.

Hardware will include a T51R on a custom high mount manifold, plenum, dump, cat, Aeromotive fuel pump, custom fuel rail, surge tank, fully prepped block and crank, ported and polished heads, I-beam rods, beasty pistons etc etc. I'll keep a progress report as we go.

As Big Kev used to say, "I'm excited".

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  • Member For: 17y 6m 22d
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  • Location: Broady, Melbourne

Yes mate. Mick will still be my tuner, even though he's 75 km's away now. I've given him advanced warning that at some point in the near future, he'll need a twin retarder as his dyno stops reading at 650rwkw :)

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  • Member For: 16y 5m 6d
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sounds decent mate, I wouldn't know what to do with myself with 350-400rwkw let alone 600rwkw!!! I would need an extra job to pay for the tyres it would fry.

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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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Good luck with it.

500 is not too hard with what's available these days.

600 is actually is big jump in terms of what's required to support it.... engine stresses, exhaust, drivetrain, air & fuel supply, injectors etc

For those with 4 kids, it's like going from 3 kids to 4 kids; a lot more infrastructure and a lot more stress all round (lol).


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One question.

Why are you spending money on porting and polishing of the head when it isn't required?

Would the funds required to do that be better spent elsewhere?

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 19d
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Obviously $$$ isnt TOO much of a worry for him so why not.. Could make 600rwkw that much easier to achieve. He is after all going ALL OUT anyways...

Good luck mate, cant wait to see the progress..

Edited by MiKa
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