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Speeding Ticket Or Not?


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Was driving on a 2 way street the other morning, was early so it was dark, and oncoming cars didnt help my vision (headlights). There was a Rav 4 with a camera etc.. strapped to it facing me on the otherside of the road, IMO 'getting' the cars going the opposite way to me.. Anyway I didnt see said rav4. I passed a car going the opposite way and a few seconds later all I see is flashes.. Basically what I wanna know is can you get done by the camera going in the opposite way to how its faced... Im under the impression that if your coming from behind the camera and pass it, it can detect ya and if your speeding you get caught, can it do it when your driving passed facing it on the other side of the road?

Yes I was speeding, was doin nearly 80 in a 70 zone... And for those of you that know it was on Ballarto rd in seaford, so it wasnt 'dangerous' or anything...

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Alot of cars are set up to get you both ways, looks like you will have to wait and see if a speed Tax letter turns up in the mail box.

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  • cj_ak
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thanks for providing the forum a practical demonstration regarding cameras detecting you face on.

ouch about the fine though, how many points left??

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  • It's All In Your Mind
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Don't worry MiKa. Its all to help you and others on the road be safe you know, you HOON you :stirthepot: . What a joke, the Govt will stop at nothing anymore to steal your hard earned.

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  • Hey guys, Tab is here... Oh i feel sick
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sorry mika but :blink:

love your reply to yourself " Well turns out you can... 1 point and $142..", just gold :spoton:

Edited by turbo.vixen
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While on the topic...for those who don't know, apparently you can get off a speeding fine if it is less than 10km/h over the limit and you havn't had any offenses over the past 2 years. Sure made my day when I found out. Just search victoria police in google and go to the speeding or something section and look under official warning or pardon or something along the lines.

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 8d
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XTB, well its only my second speeding fine I've ever gotten.. The first one I got was overturned cause I wrote a letter saying I had a good record, I was unfamiliar with the area at the time etc.. and got off... So yeah 2 more since. So I should have 8 points left now.

Doc, yeah these cars make it so easy to speed its not funny, just a second of no concentration and a twitch of the foot and your over.. Wouldnt trade it in for anything though, well.. maybe your Phoon hehe

Turbo.vixen glad to have made your day just that much more enjoyable hehehe. I knew exactly what was in the envelope when I saw it too, my reaction "f*ck I bet I got done" and yeah.. oh well you play you pay, in this case it goes for everyone who drives ey

Keep an eye out guys, they is everywhere...

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