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The E85 Thread!

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had my typhoon tuned on this stuff in July and it made 404rwkw with std zorst minus cat and stock plenum on 2 different dynos and ran 128mph at the drags,had to put 72lb injectors in and a P/W surge tank and pump then I put an APS zorst on and ran 436/438 on the 2 dynos but never got to the track before I sold it, where I used to get 400 klm out of a tank of 98 with the E85 it was around 350. These are 6 months of figures not guesses I think the fact you don't need as much pedal for the power helps a touch,my car was in the tech section of street machine about e85

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OK, so the power gains look good.

What mods are required to run it? Larger injectors/fuel pump and a re-tune? Anything else?

As for the long term effects, we don't know at this stage.

With my car being on a lease, I'm limited to Caltex or BP fuels. So it'd be a no-go for me at this stage anyway.

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I think your missing the point just a little guys its not that we dont believe the power output is better after all in nyt-sky's first post he stated that the octane levels are higher of course power levels will be higher same as u would expect from c16 however its the other pros and cons that ppl (at least I am) are interested we know km ecconomy is down, what we dont know is the long term effects on our engines well at least I dont and unless someone has a time machine (hint hint senna t prob help me wit that 1 lol) we wont know that for yrs I mean since the dark ages man has been using petrolium fuels and im pretty sure we all know that even today we are still developing engines to perform better.


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I have run E85 in my typhoon with great success and impressive increases in power and even more so in torque.

Someone mentioned CO2 released from the crops offsets the lower emissions from the fuel? that's not correct because plants absorb CO2 and release O2. The argument used by E85 supporters is that the NET carbon footprint is lower as the plants absorb the CO2 released by the car, whereas burning fuel from under the ground has no such benefit. One could argue however unless crop size/yield is increased, we are already offsetting carbon output from cars. Of course once E85 demand increases I am sure crop size will increase.

It was also mentioned there's lower carbon... well both ethanol and octane (pure petrol) are carbon chain molecules. Ethanol just has an oxygen stuck in there too. Generally the amount of carbon atoms (or more correctly CO2 molecules) released will be the same assuming the same degree of stoichometric tuning. If there's any less carbon it'd be almost insignificant. The cooler charge afforded by ethanol based fuel allows more timing which would allow for a more complete and 'cleaner' burn.

I've had no adverse effects of running E85 in my fuel system. We've inspected all the lines and fittings, and they seem fine.

I ran my car from Sydney to Canberra on E85 when on the way to summernats. I noticed only I used about 10-15% more fuel. At the time E85 cost 95cpl and regular premo fuel was from memory about $1.30+ in Sydney and higher outside of Sydney. So, it seemed to be quite cost effective for me.

When tuning my car for E85 we added a flat 30% to the PULP fuelling to start off and tune from there. We noticed an immediate gain in power (about 30rwkw) with no changes to timing or boost. In the end it seemed around 26% was the magic number over PULP... so to run E85 your fuel system needs to be able to deliver at least that much more volume of fuel.

Just my 2 cents.

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  • Member For: 16y 6m 15d
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I've had mine on E85 since October last year and there was a gain of 30hp at the wheels right across the range from the switch to E85 on the same boost level.

1000cc injectors on my 4 banger were maxed on 24psi and 342kW at the wheels.

The positives

No more carbon all over my rear bar

Smells awesome

Better response through timing


A bit of a bitch to start sometimes

Fuel consumption (although I couldn't care less paying $1 a litre for race octane levels)'

Availability (thank goodness for the dual maps on the Haltech able to be swapped at the flick of a switch)

Oh and did I mention availability? No longer at the pump :( Drum only for $2 a litre.


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