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How To Remove Dash Ba/bf


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Hi all, just recently had my ute broken into and gauges stolen. This left me with a major oil problem (mechanical oil pressure gauge) which I had to clean up etc. I found a write up to remove dash by Tree Monkey which helped (thanks) but did not have pictures...

I hope this helps anyone else needing to remove their whole dash.

If you don't know your way around a tool kit, do not attempt this.

Don't leave you battery unhooked for too long because your ICC will forget who it is and think it has been stolen, which means a tow truck ride to Fraud...

Start by removing the plastic caps at each end of the dash. To do this you must first pull the door seal out of the way.


The caps are held in with 3 plastic clips, try not to break them (they do glue back on quite easily :ARFiring: )


There are 2 bolts visable after removing the cap, remove these with a socket (13mm socket I think). With the door open you will see a bolt (10mm spanner) which goes into the side of the dash, it is quite long, remove it.


This bolt (13mm socket) is in the drivers side foot well (near the clutch pedal) remove it.


Remove this plastic cover in the top middle of your dash to reveal an allen keyed head screw (5mm allen key) remove it. I think you can get away with just loosening it but I took mine all the way out.


There are 3 phillips head screws holding this plastic cover on the steering collumn, remove them. The Plastic will pull apart (top and bottom sections) remove the plastic shroud. You will find behind the plastic shroud (removed) that there are 4 (10mm or 12mm socket) bolts visible underneith, remove them and the steering wheel will fall.

Do not let the weight of it put pressure on the electrical plugs, unplug everything and then let it sit on the floor. There is 1 bolt (10mm socket) at the base of the shaft remove it (if you like me are a perfectionist use a marker to leave a line on the shaft before removing it, this way you can put it back exactly the same later)


These plastic covers are held in by three clips and pull out easily, be gentle.


This is where it gets tricky, the fuse box gets in the way so remove it (3 x bolts, 8mm socket) and all the plugs in the back (don't stress all the plugs are different and can only be put back in their rightful places later). The plastic cover under the fuse box needs to be pulled out so you can unplug everything, its held in with a plastic screw at the top and clips all the way along past your seat. I had my seats out at the time and was able to pull the plastic away (you have to be rough but don't bend it too much)


You should see this, remove the plugs


Same goes for the other side, pull the plastic cover out the way (be firm but gentle :roflmbo: ) and remove the plugs.


With the plugs unplugged, pull out the whole white plastic plug home thing...


There are is 1 more plug and 1 more bolt under the centre of the dash. For this you must first remove your ICC and your centre consile to get to them.


With all this out the dash should pull out quite easily.

Good luck, its not an easy one. Don't stress about all the plugs because they cannot be plugged into the wrong spot when you re-install.

Hope this helps


Edited by SAPNEN
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every pain stakeing last drop of the sh*t :riaa:

And put it all back together with care, and NEW CAR flavour Armour All, it smells good and looks great.

Its a shame I left the batt unplugged for too long, cause now I'm waiting to get it back from Fraud, hoping what they do doesn't mess with my flash tune...

Edited by SAPNEN
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Remove this plastic cover in the top middle of your dash to reveal an allen keyed head screw (5mm allen key) remove it. I think you can get away with just loosening it but I took mine all the way out.



dude htf did u get that allen key bolt out? Ive spent last few hours and just cant there is no room its pissing me off its the only one stopping me from getting dash out GRRRRR

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Sorry if someone has said this already but also make sure you tape up and clearly label the nuts, bolts and screws to where they came from as there is nothing worse than getting to the end and having 2 bolts left over hehe.

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