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Carbon Credit Con


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  • It's All In Your Mind
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I'm all for looking after the environment and saving endagered species etc, but considering the global economy is sailing down the yin yang, it's gotta make you wonder what Krud and the Greenies are up to. I had this sent to me today. No wonder big business is kicking up a storm

Nature craves more carbon dioxide

Government policies to force drastic cuts in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, out of fear of CO2 as a “pollutant”, are insane—a fact underscored by recent testimony before the U.S. Senate by award-winning Princeton University physicist Dr. Will Happer.

In the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearings on 25th February, Dr. Happer declared man-made global warming fears were “mistaken” and noted that the Earth is currently in a “CO2 famine.”

Dr. Happer stands alongside more than 31,000 scientists who have signed a petition opposing the quack science of global warming—a petition which makes the specific point that “there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.”

The global average atmospheric CO2 concentration is currently a tiny 387 ppm (parts per million)—just a trace gas—and trees and plants are craving for more, yet fools are threatening to decimate our economy, in order to reduce this life-giving gas. In the last 600 million years of Earth's history, only the Carboniferous Period (approximately 300 million years ago) and our present age, the Quaternary Period, have witnessed CO2 levels less than 400 ppm.

Commercial greenhouse operators are advised to add enough CO2 to maintain about 1,000 ppm around their plants. Carbon dioxide generators for greenhouse operators produce CO2 by burning liquid propane or natural gas. The healthy plants respond just as plants have responded for most of the history of life on earth when CO2 concentrations were naturally this high, if not higher.

The dinosaurs survived just fine when CO2 concentrations exceeded 2,000 ppm and 450 million years ago, late in the Ordovician Period, the earth went into an Ice Age when carbon dioxide levels exceeded 4,000 ppm—so much for CO2 induced global warming! Coral has thrived throughout these enormous natural climatic and atmospheric changes.

Exhaled human breath contains about 4% CO2. That is 40,000 ppm—levels which carbon reduction fanatics would consider to be concentrated pollution.

Any carbon tax, or emissions trading scheme (cap-and-trade) would destroy essential industries and the human population which depends upon those industries, on the basis of a clear fraud, and therefore must be vigorously opposed.

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I've read that measures to restrict CO2 release have done more harm than good to the environment. In order to grow crops for ethanol fuel production, large amounts of forest have been cleared, for that cleared forestland to grow back - it would take 400 years.

Using that logic, my unleaded petrol burning Falcon is greener than an E85 vehicle. :)

Lastly, I'd like to add that Bob Brown is a douche bag, for trying to get rid of some heavy CO2 emitting industries. That would just kill 1000s more Aussie jobs unnecessarily.

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  • Member For: 17y 6m 15d
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very good discussion on this over at weatherzone.

I agree with everything hynodoc posted and if we lower CO2 levels to much all our crops could die WOOO WHOOOO

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Thanks for the insite into what a scientist thinks, its always good to hear a theory that proves what we already know! The government screws us!!!

I'm pretty sure that just like everything known to man the climate will change in cycles, but listn good kids cause what you really should be worried about is if the magnetic poles of the earth start to wander and change from end to end and then dissapear!!!

Now what the fck do magnetic poles have to do with anything you say, well this creates a magnetic force field (if you will) around the earth. Being that they are now stable and staying where they are supposed too everything is fine, but when they shift and dissapear and come back again etc etc we will loose our force field!

So why do we need this force field? To keep out most of the ultra violet radiation and microscopic little shard dealies which plummet to earth like asteroids and stab you (ever seen an astronauts suit after an outing?).

Basically this changing of magnetic poles is said to last 200 years or so and happens every 2000 - 3000 years (in a cycle), and in its chaos fck all will survive! There will be hectic storms like never seen before, like a hell on earth (if you will), and sadly the average income earners and the poor (us) will perish.

A geoligist was studying lava from a dorment volcano when he discovered this, some lava had a strong north and south pole and a layer beneith was opposite in pole position (North and South had swapped :beerchug: ). He could tell the exact time the lava had set and there for figured out the pole shifting delema and time frame.


And as for climate change, who didn't know this was just another pocket scam? They are very creative in parliment, that's why they get paid the big bucks, trying to figure out a way to screw you out of an extra dollar and make you believe in it!!!!!!!!!!! They must have some laughs at our expense :blink::beerchug:

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Funny this topic is going cause I was just talking to my old man about this today. Surely with all the trees that are around there would be enough to "use" the co2. All this carbon crap is just that in my opinion

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  • Member For: 21y 9m 17d
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Someone needs to get hold of Al Gore and beat the crap out of him. He's going to make a lot of money out of the whole con. A number of scientests have gone through the Inconvienient Truth and picked holes in just about every point he was trying to make. Half of the stuff was just blatant lies.

As numerous scientists have said we are heading towards another ice age, global warming is just a ridiculous theory based on incorrect information. 3 out of the 4 ways to measure global temperatures have shown the earths average temp has actually dropped over the past decade, and that global average temps have been higher at numerous times over the earths life. Mother nature will do whatever she wants, it goes in cycles. Nothing we can do to change it.

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  • Member For: 19y 11m 11d
  • Location: The North Cooma End of Canberra...

There is a very easy way to workout if something is a con or not.

1. Is someone going to make (a lot) money from it? Yes \ No

2. Is it something which celebs \ pollies can get involved in for publicity? Yes \ No

3. Is questioning the science behind the claim considered to be bad form? Yes \ No

Basically getting a yes to all three is a good way of determining that CC is a scam.

1. - Yes there are loads of companies which have sprung up to take your hard earn to reduce your carbon.

2. - Yes celebs have jumped on the bandwagon by the bucket load. Pollies have created new positions to cover the "problem"

3 - Yes question the science and your called a climate change denier.

Also the fact that the earth has gone through these exact same patterns in previous history (without the influence of humans) suggests that yes climate change exists, no we are not to blame, and that we are pretty up ourselves if we can believe we can alter the planet by our lonesomes.

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  • Member For: 18y 5m 8d
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Thanks for the insite into what a scientist thinks, its always good to hear a theory that proves what we already know! The government screws us!!!

I'm pretty sure that just like everything known to man the climate will change in cycles, but listn good kids cause what you really should be worried about is if the magnetic poles of the earth start to wander and change from end to end and then dissapear!!!

Now what the fck do magnetic poles have to do with anything you say, well this creates a magnetic force field (if you will) around the earth. Being that they are now stable and staying where they are supposed too everything is fine, but when they shift and dissapear and come back again etc etc we will loose our force field!

So why do we need this force field? To keep out most of the ultra violet radiation and microscopic little shard dealies which plummet to earth like asteroids and stab you (ever seen an astronauts suit after an outing?).

Basically this changing of magnetic poles is said to last 200 years or so and happens every 2000 - 3000 years (in a cycle), and in its chaos fck all will survive! There will be hectic storms like never seen before, like a hell on earth (if you will), and sadly the average income earners and the poor (us) will perish.

A geoligist was studying lava from a dorment volcano when he discovered this, some lava had a strong north and south pole and a layer beneith was opposite in pole position (North and South had swapped :stupid: ). He could tell the exact time the lava had set and there for figured out the pole shifting delema and time frame.


And as for climate change, who didn't know this was just another pocket scam? They are very creative in parliment, that's why they get paid the big bucks, trying to figure out a way to screw you out of an extra dollar and make you believe in it!!!!!!!!!!! They must have some laughs at our expense :spoton::roflmbo:

You haven't read the HAB Theory have you. It was a book written in the 70s on that very topic. A writer investigates the shunned HAB theory and proves it to be true. Basically the Earth tips on its axis and noew poles are formed. Mosty life on Earth is wiped out and forces us to start again as cavemen, etc.

Funny thing is, the HAB theory holds more scientificly supportive evidence than global warming, yet it's regarded as science fiction.

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