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Fuel Pump And Injector

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Is there any sign telling us that the fuel system (fuel pump and injector) needs to be replaced? I know the tuner can tell but it's just too much hassle for me to bring the car to the shop.

Currently, when accelerate at low rpm (2000rpm), my T5 manual XR6T feels like an old automatic car, it doesn't speed up instantly like before (this happens after changing the valve spring and retune). I feel like my car was driven over gear, I have to either wait a few seconds, accelerate harder, or release the gas pedal and press it again for the car to speed up normally (similar to a kick down in an automatic car).

Is this the sign of the faulty fuel system or the gear box?

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A little more info mate, is it spluttering? What do you mean by "an old automatic car"?

My car is not spluttering, but it is hesitated (only for a few second after acceleration) and also vibrating. By saying "an old automatic car", I mean the car doesn't want to speed up instantly and I press the gas pedal, it needs to wait for the gear to kick down (imagine you want to overtake in an old automatic car).

Another information is my car doesn't has that problem when accelerate from stand still or constantly acceleration (e.g: after I change gear, if I slowly accelerate, the car is fine). It only happens when I crusing (keep the speed constant) at low rpm and then accelerate from there.

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Change your fuel filter & spark plugs. Were the plugs gapped before the tune??

Could also be a coil pack(s). Best bet is to take it to your tuner so he can check for fault codes mate...

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Agreed, could be the clutch slipping...

When you stick the boot in, are the revs rising although you havent yet accelerated or your speed increased?

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Agreed, could be the clutch slipping...

When you stick the boot in, are the revs rising although you havent yet accelerated or your speed increased?

No, the revs are not rising fast under normal acceleration, when I push the gas harder then the revs go up and the car will also speed up normal. The problem just occur under slightly acceleration at low revs. My clutch seems to be alright when I change gear (I thought the clutch only works when you press the clutch pedal when changing gear, does it work when the car already in gear?).

It seem like nobody suggest the fuel system. From my research on this forum, the stock injector and fuel pump only support up to 300 RWKW. Since my car is 262 RWKW and already 170K, I'm just worry for my injector and fuel pump can't do their jobs. Can anyone tell me how do I know when it's time to change the injector and fuel pump (I mean what can you tell while driving the car that the fuel system need to be replaced).

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Stock injectors/pump aren't good for 300 unless the wog tunes it mate :idunno:

If it were due to squirters/pump being at their limit, this problem would happen at WOT rather than at slight accelleration. You would also most likely have detonation &/or lean backfiring.

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Are you quick xr6 in disguise?

I can only think that it might something to do with spark/coils. It might be an inconvenience, but your best bet is to get it to a tuner so they can diagnose the problem.

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