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Grudgee's Cause - Team 100k - Get On Board


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Hey there ladies. It's been a while, but only because I've been overseas/out of action and not in touch with my normal life. That's all up the sh*t now and I have to work again.

Anyhow, the topic is about Team 100k which is my big charitable effort for 2009. It's a huge team effort for the Run for the Kids, which is Australia's largest run, with over 30,000 runners in the 5.7km and 14.1km run/walks. Profits to the Good Friday Appeal, which is for the Royal Children's Hospital.

We're looking to raise $100,000 and set a precedent for others to strive towards. We have over 40 runners in only 8 days and have about 50 more that have verbally committed. Included in our guaranteed runners are AFL, NBL, WNBL, Aussie netballers and possibly some Olympic gymnasts and Paralympians. If we reach our target early, there will be a huge pre-race party. After the race, there is a guaranteed afterparty which will also be an epic party to be discussed for years to come.

What we need is runners, who can sign up here

And some donations, which can be made here. If donating, select JON MCCLUSKEY as the runner you want to sponsor.

Or people to spread the word and send their whole email list a spiel and link to www.team100k.org

We need more celebs and stars, so if you are one, or know any, get them to email team100k@posterprinting.com.au

Get on deck and go to heaven. Leave it go and you'll burn in hell.

Hope all is well. Tab, you're a monga.


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My oldman used to do the GFA run 30-40 odd years ago pushing a wheelbarrow with the rest of the footy team, back in those days the western freeway was a single lane road in sections and the only way to get past a pack of footy players was to make a charitable donation to the wheelbarrow...by the time they'd get to the RCH they'd have a pretty choccers wheelbarrow...

Count me in for a few bucks Grudgee it's a well deserved donation. :beerchug:

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  • Mmmmm......BOOST
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you say runners where is it held I need an excuse to get back to the gym but if it's no where near me then I guess a donation will have to do

and yes childrens hosp probably only thing that would get me off my arse

spent some time at westmead childrens hosp ,the place will brake the tuffest person

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Get amongst it Tab, you lazy bastard.

Good on you Dags - at least there's one good bloke still floating around. Give us the wheelbarrow too please.

Our6t, the run starts at the Botanical Gardens and runs through the tunnel, along the westgate freeway (not the bridge) then over the Balty and through the docklands and city on the way back to the gardens. Check out the Run for the Kids website and the Team 100k site for more info. It's a worthy cause and a huge day, so get on board for a cracking day out.

C'mon people, if everyone throws in a few bucks it'll make a big difference. $50 can't even buy you a bag of mixed lollies these days, so get amongst it. It might just be the $50 that saves some little kid's life.

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Everyone who joins Team 100k gets a free team running shirt, which is purple. In the event of tunnel collapse, you'll therefore stand out and be rescued/recovered first.

Click here to become part of this epic event! Before and afterparties will be superb also, so there's some sweetener.

C'mon Jimbo, lead by example!

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Good cause, cant say no when it's for kids. Lost my brother many years ago so we usually give to the spastic centre who we had a bit to do with at the time. Too far for me to get to in Melbourne, however just put in some dough to sponsor Jon.

Hope you raise heaps mate.



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