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Intercooler Remove And Spray


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Probably not lol ... wouldn't black attract more heat?? I dunno... I painted my stock cooler chrome and I was pretty embarrassed to show off my small I/C ... So I got a black Nizpro one :)

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Nice job, and a good thread.

My question:

The stock I/c is painted black, so is there any advantage (cooling wise) in keeping it black, or painting it silver (or any other colour)?

I was under the impression black dissipated heat better, so why then are most aftermarket I/cs alloy/silver?

Yes mate, I have read that black does dissipate heat alot quicker... (this is why most radiators are painted black!!) but painting the intercooler is for looks (wank) so it is up to the individual and what look you are going for... :icon_ford:

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  • 11 months later...
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When I sprayed mine, I just stuck the can in there and away I went.. Took like 10 sec to do, but with about 20min of masking up, anyway much easier to do and unless you wanna spray the parts you can see..

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When I sprayed mine, I just stuck the can in there and away I went.. Took like 10 sec to do, but with about 20min of masking up, anyway much easier to do and unless you wanna spray the parts you can see..

that's how I did mine mika! taped it up and sprayed the cooler!

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Hey guys, those who have removed the bumper, I have heard that the hardest part is the clips on the side. I am told you pull out and down until you feel a "POP" and you away. I guess its one of those things that you will know how to once you do it. But anyone had great problems with that bit??

Bl;ack does dissipate heat quicker. Like red cars go faster. But I don't know how doppler shift can relate to thermodynamics and loss of energy through colour absorbsion. But then, I havent a clue how to use the Foxtel remote. :dontknow:

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  • 3 weeks later...
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just a quick question, spraying the factory I/C is the quickest and easiest way for looks but what about power coating it a sliver or chrome?

I can get it done for next to nothing, but would it really be worth it?

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Hey guys, those who have removed the bumper, I have heard that the hardest part is the clips on the side. I am told you pull out and down until you feel a "POP" and you away. I guess its one of those things that you will know how to once you do it. But anyone had great problems with that bit??

Peice o piss mate, pull outward with a quick yank, like its not your car, and it comes free easily. Your right though, once done its damn easy.

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  • 3 months later...

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