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Kevin Rudd Announces Low Income Grant

Trough Lolly

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  • Location: NOONAMAH, go figure.....

3 months ago my buisness employed 3 geologists and 2 field assistants, due to the mining downturn, it now employs me.

The 5 staff I employed were all well trained hard working and loyal, After taking out the public, proffesional and workers comp

insurances I had to pay to employ them, I cleared ~$250 a month (pre-tax) to keep them on my books, hardly worth it with all

the admin and supervising I needed to do that took me away from working billable time to clients.

So well, now they're not working for me anymore, indeed two of them aren't working for anybody. The Geos were on between $600 to $800 a day and the fieldies $350 a day. that's ~$2000 a day going out of my buisness to "stimulate" the economy as the employees spend

thier hard earned on whatever they please.

What assisatnace did I get to try and help retain my staff? NONE. What incentives did the govenment provide to encourage me to grow my buisness NONE.

What's better stimulus, a one off $950 payment or $2000 payed every day?

Better to have people employed EARNING money than just getting it for sweet F.A.

My god, what is this country becomming?

Personally I find it highly offensive that my tax dollar is getting handed out gratus to "working families" wtf are labor going to do when

there are no high income earners left here to pay for thier grand ideals?

Saw this one comming a mile away.

F'n commies.

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Walking past Spencer Street Station (I refuse to call it Southern Cross!) this morning, there was a couple of guys on the corner handing out bits of paper. You know, the propaganda type that talks about who is REALLY to blame and all that sort of thing etc.

Completely deadpan, the guy leaps out in front of a woman (who I hope wasn't the easily-offended type!) and said "Do you want to see what a REAL stimulus package looks like?". I nearly fell over laughing.

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  • It's All In Your Mind
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Why would anybody with half a brain take any notice of the IMF. If they were so smart, or if they had any genuine intentions they would have been warning about this present situation years ago. Any country who has ever signed into the IMF assistance game, Australia included, has been hook lined and sinkered and then hog tied by conditionalities that eventually see the people do it much harder as the assets are raped and the ecomony is driven into poverty. Look at the mess the western world economies are in now and they are all IMF members. I would rather not take their money and hopefully give my kids a chance of still having something except a mountain of debt in a 3rd world sh!thole by the time they have to leave the nest and fend for themselves. Borrowing more money to get out of what is already basically an unrepayable debt is not the answer, its a cop out that won't work in the long term. lets use the Mastercard to pay off the Visa and worry about the interest when we start earning money again, really smart that one. How about copping it on the chin taking the countries assets back and doing it a bit tougher for a while until things start to balance out.

I see in the UK papers this morning that the wonderful state of California, America's biggest earner is basically bankrupt, no money to apy esential services, fix or build infrastructure, pay teachers, and due Tax returns are being paid by IOUs. we havn't even begun to see the beginning of the slide in Aus as yet. I'm still waiting with intrigue to see what sort of a blow the hundreds of trillions of derivitives dollars due at the end of Feb early March is going to do to our wonderful global economy. There must be a lot of private and central bankers having sleepless nights at the moment, all of these bailout packages are just band aids on a ripped artery.

In Aus despite their profit announcements, our major banks are about 4.5 trillion dollars behind the eight ball at the moment. The directors must be praying that they can grab an obscene bounus of a million or 10 before the piper calls to be paid. SCUM that they are.

Edited by hypnodoc
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