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Blow Off Valves Ba Xr6t

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Hi everyone,

Hope you don't mind us popping in but someone told us about this thread and we thought we might try to help with some other info.

Firstly there was some mention of the fitment of our GFB Stealth model and I'd like to confirm that is in a direct bolt-on configuration, part # 1013. The good news is no mods or changing of pipe required, and you can turn off the sound if you need to.

As for the issue of legality and ADR's, we asked our tech guys to comment on this and we've repreinted below, raw

As has already been covered, the XR6 uses a MAP sensor, which means atmosphere venting with a BOV has absolutely no effect on AFRs. Regarding the laws, here’s the tricky part. The main thing is the ADRs – all cars need to comply to the relevant ADRs (Australian Design Rules), and whilst in theory it would be possible for an XR6 to pass these tests (both drive-by noise and exhaust emissions would be tested), the road authorities will typically label pretty much any aftermarket part that has not been ADR approved illegal. Why don’t we get ADR approval? The tests are prohibitively expensive, and need to be conducted on every single type and variant of car that the product could possibly be fitted to. The costs would run into tens and possibly even hundreds of thousands.

So we have the ADRs, then we have the local road authorities, who will usually say things like “atmosphere-venting BOVs and exposed air filters are illegal” as a blanket rule, to make it easier to enforce since they will not send a car to an ADR facility for testing. Interestingly, in NSW the RTA have two dynos available as a free service to conduct an internationally-recognised emissions test called the IM240 – it measures emissions through a set procedure of simulated road driving. Even on a car with an airflow meter (a WRX), GFB have proven that the Stealth FX set to atmo venting does not cause any measurable emissions changes according to the IM240, and the Stealth DID vent during the test.

So we could probably get the XR6 through ADRs, it would definitely pass a local road authority emissions test, but what next? The police has complete discretion over the issuing of vehicle defects. This is not to criticise the police force in any way, because it would be impossible for them to know the specifics of every type of vehicle modification – find me someone in the vehicle modification industry that knows this – however it does mean that EVEN if you had an engineer’s certificate, a copy of a passed emissions test, and an ADR approval, if in the officer’s opinion your modification is illegal, they can defect you. It is up to YOU to argue otherwise. This is simply the risk any person who modifies pretty much ANYTHING on their car takes. In my experience, driver attitude has a lot to do with it! If you give the cop attitude and wave a certificate in their face and scream at them to go buy some donuts, or that you pay their salary, or that you’ll have their badge, you’ll probably get done . On the other hand,
’ve heard of some pretty insignificant things get defected – such as an empty windscreen washer bottle on an otherwise brand new and un-modified car – the ADRs include things like this.

Would be great to get your fedback on any of this.

Best regards

GFB Pete

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hey Go Fast Bits have you got a recorded sound clip of that BOV, and whats the lowest price you could do them for?

Edited by XR64LT
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You will need to contact GFB out side of the site. They are not an fordxr6turbo.com Advertiser so they can not put info on here in regard to pricing and web links.

They can do all of the above if they become an advertiser

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Hi XR64LT,

We too prefer not to discuss price etc on any forum and would refer those questions to sales.

I'm not sure if we have a recording or WAV file but being adjustable its a little difficult to work out which sound to record anyway. If you like, might be best to conatct me direct on pete@gofatsbits.com and I'll see what I can do.

Best regards

GFB Pete

Go Fast Bits


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