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368.7 Rwk


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haha bloody hell I agree!!!

that's is amazing power given those mods, many people are on 18psi with the addition of wastegate mods and plenums to not even get that kind of power!

lucky man!

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368rwkw seems absolutely huge for the mods on 15psi...

scuse the ignorance :nuke: but doesnt the dyno sheet show 21psi!??? broooooooommmmmBANG!!! :idunno:

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Nah, that's the power line...

Boost is the other line that starts low but fluctuates between 15 & roughly 16.5 psi.

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lol, I get ya!!

Im not trying to discredit you, the car or the tuner (and iv read a couple of threads recently so it seems Heinrich are pumping out some good tunes), but 368rwkw seems absolutely huge for the mods on 15psi... Im not saying its not true or didnt happen, but it just seems a bit suspect for the level of modding and $$ spent. You must of had a monster from the factory!

Would be good to see what times it pulls to gauge if the power is correct etc.

this dyno has been recently re calibrated and this is what u would expect from the parts plus dollars

I walked outa heinrich performance with my power figure for less than $3000 as alot of ppl say its all in the tune and bruce has proven himself numerous times and has tuned some huge power cars /xr6t

what else would u think the car would need to get this power ie what doesnt he have on the list of mods to get there

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nah man, that's the power curve.

any other exhaust mods mate? that's a nice figure vs $$ spent!!

no other exhaust mods besides the cat , I just dropped the car off and picked it up! im only running a 335wrk tune on 13psi I think he said , have not loaded the 368 tune yet ,I was told it would be between 330-350from different people with the mods I have so suprised me to ,all the s.a guys swear by him (bruce) maybe they can put some imput in too!

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numbers numbers everyone lives and dies by them,you can't compare numbers on different dynos because they aren't that accurate.just use the same dyno andyou know what your gains are,just as a side note My typhoon did 434rwkw on Bruces dyno and then 438 on Kpm's 2 days later......another car lost 15rwkw

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